Notre Dame

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David Killens's picture
Notre Dame

It does not matter if one has faith of not, one of the most iconic and revered buildings is on fire. For those affected, I wish to let you know that the joy has left my heart and I am practically in tears.

For Parisians, for the French, for Roman Catholics, for theists, today I lay down my sword and will mourn the damage that is being inflicted.

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Captain crunch's picture
It deeply saddens me to hear
Sapporo's picture
Indeed, I'm very sorry to see
Nyarlathotep's picture
Blame the Catholics, they
Captain crunch's picture
That just disgusts for you to
Sheldon's picture
Oh do get a grip, it was just
dogalmighty's picture beat me to it.
NewSkeptic's picture
We may not understand, but it
dogalmighty's picture
LOL...good one LOL.
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
@New Skeptic
Sheldon's picture
That's awful, am absolute
CyberLN's picture
Profound loss...
algebe's picture
Centuries old timbers burn
THL79's picture
It is dreadful. Religions
arakish's picture
@ OP
Grinseed's picture
A truly terrible event, the
Sky Pilot's picture
SeniorCitizen007's picture
Witnesses have described
dogalmighty's picture
The hunchback was a smoker,
David Killens's picture
I lived in France for four
MarylinC's picture
I've just been watching this
Snowmang's picture
Am I the only one who found
Sky Pilot's picture
Cognostic's picture
@Snowmang: Most of us are
Tin-Man's picture
Damn.... Sends chills up my
dogalmighty's picture
You win!
Tin-Man's picture
@doG Re: No injuries
dogalmighty's picture
doG takes away TM's trophy
Sky Pilot's picture
I hope the wimps have enough
David Killens's picture
Trust me, the French can be


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