North Korea Threat

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Randomhero1982's picture
North Korea Threat

What are people's thoughts regarding the issues with North Korea?

This week I managed to capture the 6.3 magnitude event and thought it may be interesting to share the wave view.

From the magnitude we've detected using a borehole seismic sensor, along with particle detection in the local region it's been confirmed as most likely being from a hydrogen bomb.

Despite this being quite horrific in the fact that a brutal dictatorship may indeed have weapons capable of extraordinary devastation, it never ceases to amaze me in how we've developed sciences to the levels that we can detect these phenomena/events (I've personally captured various results from the huge Chinese chemical explosion a year or so ago, to the boxing day and Japanese tsunamis).

Here's hoping that reason will prevail...



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chimp3's picture
Take out the crazy fat kid

Take out the crazy fat kid before millions get killed.

ʝօɦռ 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐʏ's picture
I do find it confusing how

I do find it confusing how the whole world is just sitting around waiting for an unbelievable death toll to show up in the news one morning.

Randomhero1982's picture
Donald Trump?? ;)

Donald Trump?? ;)

Flamenca's picture
Both of them. Kids shouldn't

Both of them. Kids shouldn't be allowed to play with nuclear weapons.

ZeffD's picture
Chimp has a point. As bad as

Chimp has a point. As bad as the situation would be now a hydrogen bomb is hugely more powerful than an atom bomb and it isn't certain he can deliver either of them - yet.

The Allies ability to devastate N Korea will not solve the problems of Kim's empowerment. Dictators never give people no choice. He has killed S Koreans on a number of occasions and when his weapons systems are better demonstrated to the world he may do so in future with impunity.

"...The bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki exploded with the yield of 15 kilotons and 20 kilotons of TNT, respectively...In contrast, the first test of a thermonuclear weapon, or hydrogen bomb, in the United States in November 1952 yielded an explosion on the order of 10,000 kilotons of TNT.

Kim may share his knowledge and technology with terrorists. Crypto currencies like Bitcoin may be used to transfer money funds in future.
Crypto currency:
NOUN. 1. a digital currency or decentralized system of exchange that uses advanced cryptography for security.

It is unfortunate that the world lacks an intelligent US leader at this point.

It seems to be necessary for Kim's regime to appear to its enslaved population to be the center of international attention. That seems to be part of N Korea's internal politics so we should probably expect regular outrages by this regime when it feels "safe" from external threats.

RedleT's picture
I know some are afraid that

I know some are afraid that there will be an accident whith there testing and then that will start it all. They fire a nuke of Japan and it goes off unexpectantly and then all hell brakes loose.

Randomhero1982's picture
Rough estimates state a yield

Rough estimates state a yield of this event as high as 100-120 kilotons of TNT.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
That is great, do you use PSD

That is great, do you use PSD's as well for frequency?

Randomhero1982's picture
Yes for analysing high/low

Yes for analysing high/low frequency, long/short period frequency noise, timing, gain, roll off etc..

mykcob4's picture
Heres the thing. After a

Heres the thing. After a truce was signed in the early 50s the fighting stopped but the war in Korea never ended. Since then North Korea has always had the fear that they would be abandoned by Russia and China and would be overrun by the South. The South has always feared that Russia and or China would coax the North into a shooting war and be overrun. The problem actually lies in the fact that the North has a 1 million man conventional Army with every gun pointed at the South. Any spark would cause a catastrophe and the deaths of maybe millions, mostly innocent people.
The USA doesn't want to start a conflict that would draw in Russia and or China which a shooting war in Korea would do. So with a line of dictators that are exactly like Trump, but smarter, and exactly like Putin, but less disciplined, you get a bully that cares nothing about his people, or the lives of any innocent people, that is willing to get most if not all of his people killed, because he has an unrealistic sense of himself and his capabilities. Kim Jong Un WILL start a war, and he will use nuclear weapons, and there isn't a thing to stop that. The key is to somehow get Russia and China onboard to help take him out, even if it means that China and Russia get the territory that is N. Korea.
I know that Trump doesn't have a clue and his experts are not capable either. All of those generals he hired were fired for a reason, the reason is that they are incompetent.

MCDennis's picture
The problem is that NK has

The problem is that NK has nuclear weapons [thanks to Syria] and a viable delivery vehicle [missiles thanks to Iran]. The U.S. should NEVER have let this happen. It did. Now it is TOO LATE to do anything about this but placate the little turd because... Because we don't know what would happen if we decapitate NK. Those nutsacks might have orders to launch their missiles and that would be the start of WW3 with potential losses in SK in the tens of millions of people in minutes.

Matt Wilson's picture
The threat from North Korea

The threat from North Korea (NK) is only going to get worse as NK improves and adds to its arsenal and the ability to deliver the nuclear warheads. NK apparently now has the ability to build the engines for its new ICBMs. It probably bought the plans from someone in Ukraine or Russia.

Since Iran is working with NK on nuclear and missile technology, whatever NK learns is passed on to the Iranians. I can imagine Iran hitting the ground running after 2025. A few years after that then Iran will probably have a growing nuclear arsenal.

There does not appear to be a way out of this mess short of a lot of people dying.

mykcob4's picture

So go fight your crusade and quit spreading your fascist nazi bullshit here. You don't actually have to join the military. There are plenty of groups actually fighting in North Korea and in Iran right now that you could join, but you'd have to curb your white supremacist attitude. You will probably get killed and that is the best thing that could happen because if you are just captured it will be a lot worse.

Matt Wilson's picture
Apparently, you can't take

Apparently, you can't take anybody throwing arguments at you. So you throw a tantrum. Nice.

Why don't you actually challenge what I said about NK?

mykcob4's picture
I didn't throw a tantrum. You

I didn't throw a tantrum. You are so set in ending "equality" and such a far-right nazi you should intervene by actually doing some fighting. You see people like you like to cut down anything that isn't white and christian. Not that you did that in your last post, BUT, it's always part of your ideology. You equate everything that isn't white and christian as communist (even though I doubt if you even know what communism is. So if you FEAR Iran and North Korea, you should do something about it. I will help you find a group that is actively fighting either one. Except for the Kurds. I like the Kurds. So instead of demeaning Anne Frank, jews, atheists, or anything that isn't white and christian, I urge you to take a positive role in physically fighting either the North Koreans or the Iranians.
I know what war is like what killing and being wounded is like from personal experience. I just thought YOU might want to know. Racist like you always shoot off their mouth and act all tough and have never even been in a fire fight. I bet on the weekends you get all liquored up and go into some field with your racist buddies, dress up in camo and fire off a bunch of rounds from the assault weapons that you bought at a gun show. I bet you talk about how you would hang Hillary Clinton and every Liberal you can think of that you would burn every mosque and synagogue you could find and blow up the Federal Government. I bet you get with your buddies and tell racist jokes rant about Mexicans and Blacks, cuss your heads off about Gays and the Lgbt community, all in the name of "JEEEEBUS, GOD and COUNTRY."
I bet you are a tubby shit with a shaved head or at least a haircut so close on the sides it practically bleeds. I bet you are a NASCAR, MMA, Pro-Wrestling, Country & Western loving fan. You are probably a member of the NRA, and vote straight ticket republican no matter who is running. You're probably a baptist.
I have seen people like you all my life, with their false indignation, complaining about taxes that they cheat on any way, never serving their country but claiming to be patriotic.
Fucking morons the lot of you.
Now if you want to call that a tantrum sobeit. Was it a rant maybe. But I bet every damned word is spot on.
You even managed to upset the local Libertarian....amazing.

Randomhero1982's picture
I'm not convinced it will

I'm not convinced it will ever come to anything serious other then posturing by all parties. If North Korea was to launch a nuke or military action, the retaliation would be something else. Most western countries, mostly the US and also Japan would certainly intervene.

And the US could wipe them off the map without even using nukes.

Matt Wilson's picture
I agree with you. Probably

I agree with you. Probably nothing is going to happen right now. The problem comes later if someone makes a mistake or miscalculation. Then all hell breaks loose.

LogicFTW's picture
The Trump/Kim Jong Un is

The Trump/Kim Jong Un is scary and both are volatile with a host of likely psychological issues, and we have to rely on generals beneath them to have "cooler heads" prevail.

North Korea is not yet able to deliver in the megaton range of hydrogen bombs that can travel, MegaTon bombs that fit in an ICBM is the hard part. Going from nuclear to hydrogen is actually fairly easy. However, North Korea certainly now has the ability to bomb South Korea, Japan and possibly Guam with these large hydrogen bombs that measure in the megatons. I think even Kim Jong Un realizes doing a preemptive (uses nuclear first,) nuclear missile strike on any country will result in massive destruction of North Korea and total destruction of Kim Jong Un family and his military, by a united world wide response in which even China would take part.

I believe Kim Jong Un's strategy is to provoke an attack, a war, and not be the first to attack with nukes. Also, much of this nuclear/hydrogen/icbm bomb posturing is for Kim to maintain an iron grip on his own country. To help paint the US and much of the west as the bad guys, and his strict military control and power is needed to defend the people of North Korea from a world that wants to destroy them. More than anyone, Kim needs to show his own people progress in military power or risk losing his fear/military style control on his own starving/destitute country.

If their is any doubt of North Korea's economic status, a satellite photo of North Korea at night is all that is needed. Other than a bit of light at Pyongyang, all of North Korea is "dark" at night where South Korea and even relatively poor/rural North-East China are lit up like Christmas trees. Even though ~25 million people live in North Korea.

ZeffD's picture
Quote LogicForTW:

Quote LogicForTW:
"I believe Kim Jong Un's strategy is to provoke an attack, a war, and not be the first to attack with nukes. Also, much of this nuclear/hydrogen/icbm bomb posturing is for Kim to maintain an iron grip on his own country. To help paint the US and much of the west as the bad guys, and his strict military control and power is needed to defend the people of North Korea from a world that wants to destroy them. More than anyone, Kim needs to show his own people progress in military power or risk losing his fear/military style control on his own starving/destitute country."

I agree, but it isn't clear if the miniaturised warhead can be fitted to a warhead that can survive re-entry...
(2nd August). They may have one now and it might be reliable, but maybe no more than one. Time for effective pressure on China
is almost out. N Korea will soon be able to hit anywhere from Melbourne to San Francisco.

11. Ankit Panda, “U.S. Intelligence: North Korea’s ICBM Reentry Vehicles Are Likely Good Enough to Hit the Continental U.S.,” The Diplomat, August 12, 2017,

A foolproof interception system seems a long way off and NK may have none or very few warheads ready so far. One problem is the lack of reliable intelligence on current NK capability. Snr Western politicians in office may know, or may already have to act on the assumption that NK can deliver an H-bomb or two on S.Korea, Japan or Guam.

LogicFTW's picture
Yep, I agree, N Korea as of

Yep, I agree, N Korea as of yet have not even fully proven they can make working ICBM missiles. Let alone one that can accurately strike the continental US, that is capable of delivering a megaton range hydrogen bomb. And effectively get around US anti ICBM defenses.

N Korea has a ways to go to show they have working, accurate ICBM missiles, and an even further ways to go to show they have been able to miniaturize mega ton range hydrogen bombs to fit in those ICBM missiles. However they are getting ever closer. It show past economic/trade sanctions have not been very effective at stopping N. Korea's nuclear missile program.

However the grim truth is Seoul metro area with over 25 million people could be hit by a hydrogen bomb today if Kim Jong Un was crazy enough to order it. Or that these could be used as EMP devices that could effect a very wide area imposing an enormous financial threat.

I feel it would take two to start a nuclear war, and those two could easily be Kim and Trump. Which is scary.

algebe's picture
@LogicforTW: "MegaTon bombs

@LogicforTW: "MegaTon bombs that fit in an ICBM is the hard part."

Unfortunately it's quite easy to fit them in shipping containers. North Korea is also highly effective at stealth operations using mini-submarines and fishing boats. They kidnapped hundreds of people from Japan and South Korea that way. The missiles are a good way to get attention, but I'm more fearful of the threat of nuclear terrorism by North Korea.

The Kim dynasty needs to be ended, and I believe that only China can do that in a way that won't leave millions of people dead.

LogicFTW's picture
Agree on both points.

Agree on both points.

Nuclear terrorism is what we need to worry about. Kim could show his country he can carry out nuclear threats, but the world community could lack the necessary evidence to annihilate N. Korea's forces/military that protects their ability to manufacture and carry out nuclear terrorism. Win/Win for Kim.

I think we all agree China is key to controlling N. Korea. A real economic sanction by them will devastate kim jon un's fragile grip on his country.

curtisabass's picture
If you've read "On the Beach"

If you've read "On the Beach" this is even more scary. The movie was okay but the novel was harrowing.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I didn't even know there was

I didn't even know there was a movie! I'll have to check it out.

algebe's picture
At first I thought Trump was

At first I thought Trump was playing the "Madman" strategy that Richard Nixon used on North Vietnam, but now I think he's really mad. He's just confirming the North Koreans' view of a hostile world in which everyone is out to get them. A military "solution" involving direct action by the US would have dire consequences for Japan and South Korea, because nukes would certainly be used by at least one side.

However, Trump is right that China is the key to solving the Kim problem. China is North Korea's only friend and by far their biggest trading partner. The safest scenario in my opinion is one in which Xi Jinping invites Kim to Beijing for talks and then keeps him there while Chinese forces flood across the border to "assist" their allies in restoring order. North Korea would end up as the "Korean Autonomous Region" of the PRC. Better that than a nuclear wasteland.

chimp3's picture
The best way to force China

The best way to force China to act is to boycott Walmart.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
I truly fear for humanity,

I truly fear for humanity, Why can people not simply put ego and agenda aside and be rational.
It is sad times that we live in and these events are why I try not to view current affairs as it is depressing,
Unfortunately it is impossible to ignore.

algebe's picture
@LucyAustralopithecus: "Why

@LucyAustralopithecus: "Why can people not simply put ego and agenda aside and be rational."

Perhaps it's because ego-driven sociopaths tend to float to the top in every political system in the world. When religion is added to the mix, as in the US, the risk of electing a lunatic is even greater.

LucyAustralopithecus's picture
that is beautifully accurate

that is beautifully accurate

Sky Pilot's picture
The North Korea situation isn

The North Korea situation isn't a problem if the dummies in Washington have the guts to fight it. There's nothing wrong with North Korea having nukes. It gives their scientists and engineers something to work on. We could use them to teach our kids something beside which restroom to use.

The North Korean situation is a sucker punch that we seem to be eager to get rabbit punched with. All that's necessary is to say that they can do whatever they want to but they will only get one shot. After that we will saturate all of North Korea with nukes every 9 square miles within the next 20 minutes.

That's some Old Testament tough talk from Zephaniah 1:2-3 (TLB) = 2 “I will sweep away everything in all your land,” says the Lord. “I will destroy it to the ground. 3 I will sweep away both men and animals alike. Mankind and all the idols that he worships—all will vanish. Even the birds of the air and the fish in the sea will perish."


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