The Naked Sun

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CyberLN's picture
The Naked Sun

Since I am reminded, these days, of Asimov’s “The Naked Sun”, I think I’ll re-read it. It seems a bit current.

I’m always looking for great books...what are you reading now? I’m almost finished with a Spinoza biography and would love some recommendations.

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algebe's picture
Have you ever read Mary
CyberLN's picture
Thanks, Algebe! I’ll check
Cognostic's picture
Elane Pagels: Origins of
Grinseed's picture
Funnily enough, I have just
dogalmighty's picture
Maybe because we took them
Kevin Levites's picture
I am a tremendous fan of
CyberLN's picture
Yay! Another hard science
Kevin Levites's picture
Agree 100%.
David Killens's picture
I just finished "The Hobbit",
Mikhael's picture
Just started listening to
Cognostic's picture
I didn't know he had a
Mikhael's picture
Yeah it literally just came

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