My Debate with a Presuppositionalist

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
My Debate with a Presuppositionalist

I did indeed get the debate I was looking for, and it was with a preuppositionalist, to my delight. I'll post a link to the transcript of the debate. I copied and pasted right off my phone. The only changes made were a few spacing issues and one or two misplellings that made it hard to understand. Everything else is exactly as it was typed in Kik.

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ex-christian_atheist's picture
Note: This is, hopefully,
Nyarlathotep's picture
wow 6 pages to get him to
Zaphod's picture
LOL, yeah pretty much.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
yea, he never accepted or
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I said I could be 100% sure
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Female is just a description
Zaphod's picture
Very well done and executed
mysticrose's picture
It was an exciting debate and

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