Muslim and Athiest Common Ground : Evidence

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Ramo Mpq's picture
Muslim and Athiest Common Ground : Evidence

Hello everyone,
I would like to start off by thanking LogicForTW for agreeing to participate in this thread. Of course, all are welcomed and highly encouraged to do the same as well. Logic and I have been talking and to make a long story short we agree its best that we establish what would be considered evidence when discussing Islam and Atheism. Yes, this thread focuses solely on Islam and Atheism/Science and nothing else, given the way conversations have gone on these forums I think its best we limit the scope (for now) in an effort to try and at least reach some common grounds. Our difference will surely come later but, for now let’s see what we can agree on. Also, this thread is not about “winning or losing” so please try and be as fair and unbiased as possible when looking at the evidence each side brings forward. The aim here is to reach a common ground and not continuing to argue simply for the sake of arguing. I will be the first to point out a flaw if a Muslim posted something that contradicts Islam in an effort to simply try and “win” but, again, that is not the purpose so I ask for atheists to please do the same.

Please see a few things below to consider prior to replying/posting to this thread.


The main and sole goal of the thread is to establish what Islam and Atheism consider and agree is evidence prior to moving to the (possible) next step. So please think and possibly even do some research prior to posting or reply.


The main purpose of this is to avoid asking questions from a stand point of ignorance when not even understanding or knowing what a Muslim or Atheist thinks or believes. So, when you are asking a Muslim here a question (am I the only one?) it would be better for you to make sure that your questions are even relevant to what we believe. Small example, Logic asked me if I or Muslims believe if the earth is 13.8 billion years old, my answer was that to a certain extent it is irrelevant to Muslims. 13.8 Billion, 4.5 Billion or 1 Billion, it does not change our or effect our belief. The reason I bring that up is because when we look at the big picture, ultimately we are wasting our time. So please lets establish an agreed upon scope for evidence prior to asking questions.

Once again, everyone is highly encouraged to voluntarily participate under the above “guidelines”.

I would like to start this off by requesting the Atheists to please define what they consider to be evidence. I am not trying to start off by putting anything on the shoulders of the Atheists and looking to “pick apart” anything they say. The reason being is that I think it would be easier to start with that since based off my experience, I think their scope of evidence is smaller than the Muslims. So I think it would be a good starting point for common ground.

As this conversation progresses, I will routinely post an update of what has been agreed to as evidence for both parties to make sure we are not constantly repeating ourselves. It also serves to help any newcomers or viewers to see where we have reached. It will look something kind of like the below

Agreed upon evidence so far

1)aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Example:yyyyyyyyyyyy
2) bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Example:zzzzzzzzzzzzz
3)ccccccccccccccccccccccc Example: xxxxxxxxxxxx

I welcome any and all suggestions that could be used to improve upon anything I have said so far, all in an effort to hopefully and finally reach at least some common ground together. And yes, I know I repeated myself a few times so far but, that was done to simply enforce the main goal of this thread.

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Randomhero1982's picture
Well done guys, hopefully
madman2z's picture
i'm a former Muslim so i'm
Ramo Mpq's picture
David Killens's picture
@Searching for truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
madman2z's picture
Thank you for pointing that
Ramo Mpq's picture
madman2z's picture
I'm an aethiest, but mistakes
Iain Hamilton's picture
This is where the problem
xenoview's picture
Searching for truth
madman2z's picture
Yes, Islamic believe clearly
Ramo Mpq's picture
madman2z's picture
"What you said is true but,
Iain Hamilton's picture
They are called, "The
arakish's picture
Really? Does that include
LogicFTW's picture
@Orignal post
Ramo Mpq's picture
@Randomhero and Xenoview
xenoview's picture
Everyone uses their 5 senses
Ramo Mpq's picture
Fine with me in a
LogicFTW's picture
@Searching for truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
LogicFTW's picture
@Searching for truth
Sheldon's picture
You a theist come here, an
David Killens's picture
@ Searching for truth
Ramo Mpq's picture
Since I do not know the
Nyarlathotep's picture
You seem to have switched the
David Killens's picture
In extremely basic terms,
Ramo Mpq's picture
In extremely basic terms,
David Killens's picture
Thank you, that took us 504
Sheldon's picture
Just to clarify, we have


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