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FishNChips007's picture

In about 2 and a half hours from now, I will be posting a fully free film for your viewing!

I would like to hear your honest thoughts on the facts presented - please watch the film in its entirety and carefully considered the facts before responding.

I am interested in what you have to say.

With care,

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Rule 12 refers: No
algebe's picture
@FishNChips: I am interested
dogalmighty's picture
boomer47's picture
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
CyberLN's picture
I’m gunna re-watch my
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: "I’m gunna re
dogalmighty's picture
boomer47's picture
CyberLN's picture
Whitefire13's picture
...I’m too busy dancing...
dogalmighty's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
I'll watch it until it says
Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: "Anyone want to
dogalmighty's picture
FishNChips007's picture
I didn't make the film,
Sheldon's picture
FishNChips007's picture
Shel, I have not ignored your
Sheldon's picture
"If you look at a building,
Calilasseia's picture
Oh look. I thought it wouldn
FishNChips007's picture
I will reply to this post, as
dogalmighty's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Here is my log of me watching
Sheldon's picture
FishNChips007's picture
Sheldon's picture
FishNChips007 "If atheists
Nyarlathotep's picture
You didn't answer my question
Sheldon's picture
Comfort - ...cause an atheist
Cognostic's picture
@FishNChips007: You keep
Grinseed's picture
Just a quick and limited


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