Mother Mary

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mysticrose's picture
Mother Mary

Catholic Church and other religion honors Mary as mother of God and not just mother of Christ. There are miracles and apparition related to her. Any thought about this. How can God have a mother if he is a supreme being?

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James's picture
You just answered your own

You just answered your own question. How can god have a mother is he is a supreme being. It makes no sense for this to be true. But they had to link Christ to a human birth in order for people to truly relate to him.

Tman127182's picture
well, according to the

well, according to the Christian belief system, Christ is god, and as the story goes, Mary gave birth to Jesus making her the mother of Jesus. So I guess that's how they see it.

rider's picture
Jesus is God. He is the human

Jesus is God. He is the human form of God. And that is why Mary is called the Mother of God.

That's what I know.

samking009's picture
Because of people like the

Because of people like the atheist, God had to present himself in a human form to pass through everything we pass through so as to prove to us we can live a holy life. But he needed to be born by a Mary came into the show!

Tman127182's picture
Are you saying that atheists

Are you saying that atheists can't live a good full life?

damanar's picture
God had to present himself in

God had to present himself in human form 2000 years ago, prior to mass media, to illiterate shepherds in order to prove himself to atheists who only accept empirical evidence?

SammyShazaam's picture
Oh come now, remember psalm

Oh come now, remember psalm 90 :) Because a thousand years in your eyes is like a day that is finished when it is passed and like a watch of the night.

In God's mind, he was right on time to make sure that Jesus's birth was the top trending twitter topic.

He also predicted the rise of "social" sciences, which are pretty much the death of empirical evidence.

Trevor's picture
Mother Mary was probably

Mother Mary was probably based on a real woman who was the mother of Jesus, the man on whom all these writers based their fantastic story. That is all she probably really was.

samking009's picture
She gave herself pure and

She gave herself pure and Virgin as a result, she was chosen for the task to give birth to Christ....this is what can't happen again. Corrupt world!

Tman127182's picture
but it never happened in the

but it never happened in the first place...

mysticrose's picture
Any explanation why you

Any explanation why you believe that it never happened Tman?

Tman127182's picture

1 There has to be a deity for it to happen
2 A virgin birth would not be an oxymoron
3. The divinity of Jesus Christ would be valid

If you can provide evidence for these 3 things, I would believe it.

mysticrose's picture
Since atheist do not believe

Since atheist do not believe in the existence of god, then such miraculous conception never happened for them.
I'm still wondering if Jesus was not conceived by a virgin, then who was his father?

Tman127182's picture
well, if something actually

well, if something actually happened, it wouldn't matter if one is an theist or not, because personal experience of something is not a valid reason for believing that an event occurred.

I would say Joseph would be the father..

SammyShazaam's picture
Actually! Parthenogenesis, or

Actually! Parthenogenesis, or immaculate conception, *does* happen. Often in turkeys and other animals, but rarely in humans. Sometimes, if the internal and external conditions appear to be absolutely optimal for childbearing, yet no suitable mate is to be found, the female will self induce pregnancy. Obviously, since it's a one-woman show, the result is an identical genetic copy of the mother, and hence always female.

Zaphod's picture
Joseph is probably the most

Joseph is probably the most likely candidate!

SammyShazaam's picture
The point of Mary was that

The point of Mary was that she was a common woman, so that Jesus could be the son of Man and not just the son of God. According to the old testament, there are no other deities besides God, and therefore according to the word the deification of Mary is a sin. In historical context, the choice by the budding Catholic church to deify Mary was made simply because the reigning religion of Europe at the time had three primary Gods, one of which was female. In order to ease the blow of changing religions, they were allowed to build totems to their "new" gods (also a sin against the Word), and allowed to have a female to worship - Mary.

Matty Arnold's picture
Apologies is this has been

Apologies is this has been stated already, I've not read the whole thread, but there was no virgin birth. The Bible has been translated many times down the ages, and one particular language through which is was translated (the name escapes me) has no word for virgin - it is essentially the same word as 'young female'. Whoever translated that took the world 'young woman' to incorrectly mean virgin. The entire virgin birth is a product of mistranslation.

Zaphod's picture
I would say to put it simply

I would say to put it simply that according to be, what has evolved to be the meaning of Christian according to christian religious groups, one must believe in the Holy Trinity. This meaning God the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit are all one and the same. Therefore if you believe this and you believe Jesus was the Son of Mary then you believe she was the Mother of God. I would like to point out now that Jesus did refer to God as father and our father through-out his life and is quoted as doing so many times in the Bible. According to the Bible he even referred to God as Father in private conversation with God and therefore spoke to God as a separate entity. All religions who claim this meaning of Christian (please do go around and ask these religions what it means to be Christian) believe this, and therefore ignore in their own way The Word of God. Doom de doom doomed...

Walker's picture
None of this even happened

None of this even happened guys lol I mean come on. This woman was anything but a virgin if she even existed. I can tell you that she was not a virgin if she had a kid thatsfor sure.

mysticrose's picture
I never heard of

I never heard of parthenogenesis yet but it sounds interesting.
When I was a catholic, we adore Mary but not actually worship her. We don't pray to her but we only ask her help in our prayers. Now that I'm not longer a catholic but still I believe that there is god, I'm no longer believe on everything that the bible said so I'm willing to do further research about the things around me.

Zaphod's picture
I am curious Mysticrose, what

I am curious Mysticrose, if you have formed an idea at all, what exactly is it you believe god to be? Currently the closest thing I can come up with is a collection of all energy, experience, existence and data as a whole which would be most the condensed right before the next Big Bang. Alpha Omega. SO everything that means me and you too and all you ever knew. I don't think its good bad or really has an opinion for that matter, I think the source of all life and all that exist is just an imbalance and the and lack of ability to achieve total balance. I am not suggesting you believe what I do or insinuating that you should, I'm just letting my viewpoint out there and wondering what yours is.

mysticrose's picture
God is simply the beginning

God is simply the beginning of everything. The energy that made big bang or evolution possible. The mind behind all the brilliant minds known.

mickron88's picture
if satan is god of evil..

if satan is god of evil...then who is his mom?


i can't imagine how painful it is giving birth to shiva..and buddha....

and how about allah?

its the bunny i tell you..its the bunny...that gave them all birth...

RANJEET's picture


"i can't imagine how painful it is giving birth to shiva..and buddha...."

The Buddha did not Claim any Divinity for himself or for his
Dhamma. It was discovered by man for man. It was not a Revelation
1. Every founder of religion has either claimed divinity for himself or for his teachings.
    2. Moses, although he did not claim for himself any divine origin, did claim divine origin for
his teachings. He told his followers that if they wished to reach the land of milk and honey they
must accept the teachings, because they were the teachings of Jehovah the God.
    3. Jesus claimed divinity for himself. He claimed that he was the Son of God. Naturally His
teachings acquired a divine origin.
    4. Krishna said that he was God himself, and the Gita was his own word.
    5. The Buddha made no such claim, either for himself or his Sasana.
    6. He claimed that he was one of the many human beings and his message to the people was
the message of man to man.
    7. He never claimed infallibility for his message.
      8. The only claim he made was that his message was the only true way to salvation as he
understood it.
    9. It was based on universal human experience of life in the world.
    10. He said that it was open to anyone to question it, test it, and find what truth it contained.
    11. No founder has so fully thrown open his religion to such a challenge.

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