Meditation & Yoga

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JahLive's picture
Meditation & Yoga

Hi I am new to this community and although I don't consider myself an Atheist I enjoy learning more about Atheism.

Just curious, let's say someone has a mystical experience while meditating, or performing yoga, and the practitioner claims to have had an experience of
'God'. How does an atheist interpret this? Perhaps just neurological chemical alterations in the brain?

There are all sorts of Swamis and Yogis running around claiming Enlightenment and seeing God within all of creation, blissed out of their minds, transcending samsara and claiming to be One with the Universe. I am curious about the Atheists perspective on these kinds of claims, and their attitudes towards Zen Buddhism, Advaita Vedanta Yoga, as well as Mystics such as Rumi, Meister Eckhart, Abraham Heschel and even Alex Grey.

I'm curious in hearing any feedback whatsoever. Thanks.

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Zaphod's picture
Fist off Hi and welcome
mysticrose's picture
Meditation and yoga is a self
JahLive's picture
thanks for your responses! I
Zaphod's picture
Never read any Martin Buber,
SammyShazaam's picture
Meditation is an excellent
mysticrose's picture
I would love to experience
JahLive's picture
I've never tried oxygen
Zaphod's picture
Man you're just killing it
SammyShazaam's picture
I love the idea of a dream
SammyShazaam's picture
Wow, that's long :/ Sorry
mattyn's picture
I like the idea of all of
SammyShazaam's picture
I agree that oxygen
mattyn's picture
I like the idea of all of
Pathway Machine's picture
In a Biblical sense
JahLive's picture
Good point Pathway.
Zaphod's picture
Indeed they are, monasteries
Rob's picture
I think meditation isgreat
Zaphod's picture
Yeah I know what you mean,
mysticrose's picture
We should meditate on quite
efpierce's picture
I agree, I can't even work in
Wayne Fisher's picture
I'm new here, but follow this
SammyShazaam's picture
I forget where I was reading
Anurraagg Kumar's picture
I'll just add this link here.
SammyShazaam's picture
I actually know the woman who
Wayne Fisher's picture
Ellie Harris's picture
It's just an exercise. That

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