This may seem dumb

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Nicktator's picture
This may seem dumb

Okay, so this may seem dumb, but I thought about it for a second, and it kind of made my head hurt. So, in this case-scenario there IS a heaven. Science has come a long way, and cloning has begun. We have already cloned a mammal. I know we don't really have reasons to clone humans, but let's say we did, and they both died. Would they both go to heaven? Would they both go to hell? Would they go separate ways? If they did, what would happen? Like I said, I know it seems dumb but I like to discuss dumb ideas once in a while ^_^

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Spewer's picture
Clones would have identical
efpierce's picture
That's still a very
Nicktator's picture
A new idea, let's say they
mattyn's picture
Clones don't have souls like
mysticrose's picture
Yeah clones will die and that
mattyn's picture
That's a good point! They are
gardenerclematis's picture
If the clone and the cloned
Zaphod's picture
I would say if there was a
SammyShazaam's picture
I don't believe in souls,
mattyn's picture
I think it's much more taxing
ginamoon's picture
I also think that human
SammyShazaam's picture
... what about clones, or the
Zaphod's picture
I am not exactly an expert on
SammyShazaam's picture
Good question! I'm no clone
Zaphod's picture
Crazy! That would be like
Zaphod's picture
Furthermore, does gene
SammyShazaam's picture
So far, people seem to be
Schibaka's picture
you proved an awesome point
ginamoon's picture
Although I doubt if it will
Rob's picture
Nick it's really lot easier

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