Mark my words

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Jacob's picture
Mark my words

I say unto you that on the 13th October this year one of the Most important events of the 21st century will happen truly.

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Pitar's picture
Your birthday?
SecularSonOfABiscuitEater's picture
Whatcha got in mind JC?
xenoview's picture
JacobCorneluis is it the
jamiebgood1's picture
Will JC be cuming for the
jamiebgood1's picture
My apologies,
mykcob4's picture
I googled that date and got a
jamiebgood1's picture
Ah shoot mykcop4
Jacob's picture
Is that suppose to be a
mykcob4's picture
It's not a threat if you ask
mykcob4's picture
I don't believe in ANY
algebe's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
October 13, 2017? I'm going
Pitar's picture
I thought that date coincided
xenoview's picture
chimp3's picture
JacobCornelious: "I say unto
Jacob's picture
chimp3's picture
So, unlike Portugal 100 years
Jacob's picture
Hey remember If some
chimp3's picture
Perhaps a sex tape involving
MCDennis's picture
Step 1. tell us specifically
Jacob's picture
Very well
chimp3's picture
Why does a century past just
MCDennis's picture
Your response is fuzzy. Once
Nyarlathotep's picture
JacobCorneluis - If not I
mykcob4's picture
There was no miracle of the
chimp3's picture
We are in the Debate Forum
mykcob4's picture
Oh, thank you chimp3 for your
chimp3's picture
Relax and do some rational
mykcob4's picture
You relax and get off my case
Pitar's picture
My mother used to say


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