Just a Christian voice in a hostile country.

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David Killens's picture
The Large Hadron Collector is
Woodsmithe77's picture
As a side note, i refer to
MCDennis's picture
I don't hate you. I don't
Woodsmithe77's picture
MCD, thank you for commenting
CyberLN's picture
Mark, you wrote, “Then by the
David Killens's picture
Big George's picture
You know what Mark? (quaint
Woodsmithe77's picture
Hi Big George, can I just say
Big George's picture
Hi Mark. Why do you think the
Woodsmithe77's picture
Hi Big George, Your
Big George's picture
@Mark: the expansion rate of
Woodsmithe77's picture
Lol, i think you touched on
chimp3's picture
Atheism is the lack of belief
Aposteriori unum's picture
Atheism deals with one thing
bigbill's picture
No it is a belief system like
chimp3's picture
@AB: Or, they just don't
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
mykcob4's picture
DarkkWolfe's picture
"Usually it's a lack of
Sheldon's picture
"No it is a belief system
mykcob4's picture
Woodsmithe77's picture
mycob4, thanks for responding
mykcob4's picture
@ Mark
Woodsmithe77's picture
Interesting points, but i am
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Mark, excess verbiage does
Woodsmithe77's picture
lol, my wife would certainly
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mark - [the universe is
Woodsmithe77's picture
Actually, to my best
Nyarlathotep's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
1) I don't know for sure


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