Just a Christian voice in a hostile country.

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Woodsmithe77's picture
Just a Christian voice in a hostile country.

Hello all, i just wanted to introduce myself to everyone. I am a Christian (capital on purpose), I joined this site as a bit of a spy I think. I have seen and heard so much hatred leveled against those who hold to a view that includes a Creator. Dawkins is the leader of the pack that seems to have a powerful hate-on for all things religious, but after seeing him in numerous debates with actual intelligent Christians and those of other faiths, I think that perhaps his bravado is inspired more toward book sales than any real conviction.
I would like to ask this question to anyone who cares to answer me. Do you think that Atheism is anything more than another belief system?

I ask this because it seems inadequate to explain origins. I mean of course origin of life and origin of mass/energy and space/time. The best answers that I have ever recieved revolves around a statement of faith that science will one day have an explanation.
I hope to offend nobody, and i will assure everyone right off the bat that I do respect you and your intelligence,

I tried to forsake my Christian beliefs when i was in my early twenties, but these two questions stopped me dead in my tracks, and I have never had a decent answer.

Basically (and i am sure that this line of questioning is not a shock to any thinking person) i just cannot buy a statement of faith from a system of thought that claims to have done away with the need for a mind behind it all.

Might as well start off with the only question that matters.

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watchman's picture
@ Mark .....
Woodsmithe77's picture
Hi watchman. I realize that
watchman's picture
@Mark ....
Woodsmithe77's picture
Watchman, you say that my
algebe's picture
Mark: "Do you believe that
Woodsmithe77's picture
Hi Algebe,
algebe's picture
@Mark: "unintelligent and
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
"Do you think that Atheism is
Woodsmithe77's picture
Old Man who shouts at clouds,
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Okay. The way your OP was
Woodsmithe77's picture
Leaving distinct religions
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
The big "G" God has not been
Woodsmithe77's picture
I guess the issue here is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Wrong. "I guess the issue
David Killens's picture
In 1835 Auguste Comte stated
Woodsmithe77's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Mark - this entire discussion
David Killens's picture
Thank you for the very civil
algebe's picture
@Mark: "the Creator God must
Woodsmithe77's picture
I will concede that I should
mykcob4's picture
Woodsmithe77's picture
mykcob4, I disagree that
algebe's picture
@Mark: "The universe had a
Woodsmithe77's picture
I don't suppose that we will
algebe's picture
Woodsmithe77's picture
algebe's picture
@Mark: "Firstly, thank you
Woodsmithe77's picture
Hi Algebe,
Sheldon's picture
"One problem that i do see
Sheldon's picture
" i am leaning heavily on


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