Interview an atheist

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traveler guy's picture
Thanks for your time. This is
Sky Pilot's picture
Sky Pilot's picture
traveler guy's picture
Thanks for your time. This is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Anon
Bob Lawson's picture
traveler guy's picture
Did you see my list of four
Grinseed's picture
Yes anonymous questions
arakish's picture
@ anonymous
arakish's picture
Replying to this post to keep
Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Just as Tin
David Killens's picture
FYI "anonymous", just asking
arakish's picture
@ David
David Killens's picture
Arakish, in my few months
Far Canal's picture
I am anti theist and atheist.
Grinseed's picture
@ anonymous
traveler guy's picture
Grinseed, thanks for taking
Tin-Man's picture
@Anonymous Re: Your reply to
Grinseed's picture
@ Tin,
Sky Pilot's picture
Grinseed's picture
@ anonymous
David Killens's picture
Bob Lawson's picture
David Killens's picture
@Bob L
Sheldon's picture
I thought you were here to
Bob Lawson's picture
"You admit that as an atheist
CyberLN's picture
anonymous, if your report
Bob Lawson's picture
CyberLN's picture
Yes, Bob, I saw what s/he
Cognostic's picture
3. Morality--How can we know


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