The idea of Creationism

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Stella Nova's picture
The idea of Creationism

Many theists around the world believe that the world was created when a certain entity named "God" spoke,
Or God purposely created the Adam and Eve and the apple which they were forbade to eat, but yet they ate.

Anyone who pursues science or anyone who reads popular science would know that it was all a point of nothingness ( singularity as we Physicists like to name it) led to the massive expansion of the Universe as we know it today. Further we believe in the Standard Model

I would love to hear the viewpoints on this idea from both supporters and non-supporters of the idea presented above.

Thank you.

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Minion's picture
Only happened one of 2 ways,
watchman's picture
Without the "how" ..... the
Minion's picture
Like life then
watchman's picture
Not really ...
Minion's picture
How so......
Minion's picture
I live with a meat computer
watchman's picture
You tell made the
Minion's picture
How do you disagree ?
watchman's picture
"and it will be like I never
Minion's picture
Possibly...... you think
watchman's picture
"you think there is something
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"Anyone who pursues science
Stella Nova's picture
The entire idea was not to
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
ok, then it is best not to
Frrank's picture
Consciousness is primary.
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
Consciousness is primary.
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Anyone who pursues science
Stella Nova's picture
I think, I can agree with
Valiya's picture
"they simply say there is a
CyberLN's picture
" "they simply say there is a
Travis Hedglin's picture
How come every time someone
mysticrose's picture
It's really hard to
beneames's picture
I can't speak for the other
Travis Hedglin's picture
If I am to dismiss part of
beneames's picture
No it's not about dismissing
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
you mean the question we do
Spewer's picture
"It's communicating messages
Travis Hedglin's picture
"No it's not about dismissing
beneames's picture
"And we should know what it
Travis Hedglin's picture
"I'm talking about genres and


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