I Am Deceived, Therefore I Think

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rat spit's picture
...*hollaring to vendor* “ ..
Tin-Man's picture
Public Service Announcement:


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xenoview's picture
@rat spit
rat spit's picture
Hmm. Hair splitting wit. I’ll
arakish's picture
rat spit: “I’ll remind you
rat spit's picture
arakish's picture
rat spit: "Do you ever hear
Sheldon's picture
"And one follow up question.
Tin-Man's picture
ROFLMAO..... Did anybody else
arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man
arakish's picture
rat spit: "Seriously.
xenoview's picture
No homophobia, but it's okay
Cognostic's picture
Well there is age and then
xenoview's picture
rat spit's picture
The plural form of penis is
rat spit's picture
Thank you for your responses
Sheldon's picture
"telling me “don’t bother
rat spit's picture
“We” “we” “we”. I like how
Sheldon's picture
So no then, you can't offer a
rat spit's picture
I routinely talk to the
rat spit's picture
Sheldon's picture
Great, so please demonstrate
Sheldon's picture
"I routinely talk to the
David Killens's picture
@rat spit
rat spit's picture
David Killens's picture
I was just referring to a
rat spit's picture
I am also disturbed.
Sheldon's picture
He's trying to help you
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, Rat! Digging the new
David Killens's picture
Tin-man, it's Lemmiwinks.


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