I Am Deceived, Therefore I Think

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rat spit's picture
I Am Deceived, Therefore I Think

A simple challenge to any and all Atheists. Prove that your inner voice really is “you”.

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algebe's picture
@tar pits: Prove that your
rat spit's picture
Communicate your findings
algebe's picture
@prat sit: Communicate your
LogicFTW's picture
And I hit the agree button on
algebe's picture
@LogicFTW: *ominous x-files
rat spit's picture
algebe's picture
@rat spit: So, you didn’t
arakish's picture
You never heard of the three
Rohan M.'s picture
The... Arakish Trinity??? I
Nyarlathotep's picture
rat spit - Prove that your
rat spit's picture
I recall the taste of my
Nyarlathotep's picture
Do you really think memory is
rat spit's picture
Memory of a sensation is
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sounds like are you appealing
Cognostic's picture
Here is an equivocation
rat spit's picture
Do you agree that each
Rohan M.'s picture
There is actually no
Cognostic's picture
Sam Harris assert "Free Will
ʝօɦn 6IX ɮʀɛɛʐy's picture
I have to submit a research
Cognostic's picture
I agree with your professor.
Rohan M.'s picture
I think that the “impulse” is
Sheldon's picture
Another specious argument
Cognostic's picture
Rat Boy is engaged in a game
rat spit's picture
I have rejection issues. It’s
arakish's picture
Cognostic: "By playing the
Cognostic's picture
I would certainly but Mr.
arakish's picture
And then there is the
Rohan M.'s picture
Another drive-by theist that
Sapporo's picture
rat spit: A simple challenge
rat spit's picture
“Your” - belonging to you


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