Hypothetically, who would you worship? God or Satan?

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David Killens's picture
Hypothetically, who would you worship? God or Satan?

Let us assume (hypothetically) that the christian bible is true and there is a god, and a devil. And let us also hypothesize that when we die, we have this information revealed to us. Assuming that we still have free will (very debatable) in the afterlife, who would we worship?

On the surface, this may appear to be a no-brainer slam dunk with God getting the worship.

But for me personally, I would throw my lot in with the devil for these reasons.

God has murdered 2.5 million people, while Satan is guilty of killing only 6. And I am not counting the estimated 20+ million who perished in the flood.

God is a liar. For example, just for shits and giggles he tested Abraham by instructing him to sacrifice his only son Isaac, before cancelling at the last minute. The devil is consistent, he does not pretend to be anything but what he is.

And besides, I am sure they don't play AC/DC in heaven.


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Up To My Neck's picture
AC/DC are resin enough to
CyberLN's picture
xenoview's picture
NewSkeptic's picture
Adrian's picture
You would probably get a less
boomer47's picture
Mark Twain wrote "Heaven for
Tin-Man's picture
Re: OP
Grinseed's picture
In Heaven its 24/7 back to
berry3's picture
How depressing. Don't you
David Killens's picture
berry3's picture
Wrong! I'm not hoping for
David Killens's picture
boomer47's picture
Christianity has always been
Delaware's picture
@ cranky47
LogicFTW's picture
Delaware's picture
@ LogicFTW
Ricardo's picture
@ Kate: do you believe in the
Cognostic's picture
@Kate: "Don't you want to
Cognostic's picture
@Kate: Certainly not if
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
I'm going to echo most
Grinseed's picture
@Old Man
Nyarlathotep's picture
How would you be able to tell
Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: "How would you be
Tin-Man's picture
@Nyar Re: "How would you be
David Killens's picture
God is the peeping Tom, Satan
Cognostic's picture
Worshiping anything is
Tin-Man's picture
@Cog Re: "Worshiping
David Killens's picture
I agree Cognostic. I made a
LogicFTW's picture
Worshiping anything is
Cognostic's picture
God randomly kills 25,000,000


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