I’m just going to start this post and hopefully the thread will stay on topic.
I myself (as I suppose I must designate myself as “something” (other than simply human, which to my mind would suffice)),
am what could be called a Humanistic Psycho-physical Individualist, which means I comprehend all the claims of philosophy and religion as both directly and indirectly referring to Human Psychophysical Self-conscious Evolution.
Having said that, I will thus pre-pose what I have come to comprehend, through a lifetime of study, to be the meaning of “the Son of God”.
And then we let the debate (the 'Physisis vs. anti-physical' debate) proceed from there.
What appalls me, at least concerning the majority of people I've run up against, is that they do not even comprehend, let alone apprehend, what the Christian Religion--
(by which I mean its infrastructure, being: the Virgin Contemplation (or Birth) of God; the ego-Death involved in the New Testament’s evolved Humanistic Individualism, by which one sees that one CAN be more than one is, but only if one 'dies' to one's smaller self; and the Resurrection of the Mind and Body as One)--
is that It, The underlying Christian Message, is a Humanism; and that the progression of “the gospel,” as told,, if read philosophically (as, I believe, it was intentionally written to be so read),, is the "Enlightenment" most persons would call Spirituality.
Which 'Spirituality' is not different than what "The Incarnation" definitively signifies: namely, that "the Mind and the Body are One."
M+B=S. {
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