How shall a poetic naturalist address the world?

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Rowland Johnston's picture
Just so, watchman, you have
chimp3's picture
Rowland Johnston's picture
Thank you, chimp 3. I
chimp3's picture
There is a difference in
Rowland Johnston's picture
If I understand you (and you
chimp3's picture
I think a possum and a
Rowland Johnston's picture
A fine response, chimp 3. I
chimp3's picture
Rowland : Systems of belief?
Rowland Johnston's picture
I think now, chimp 3, our
chimp3's picture
Rowland: "Our investigations?
Rowland Johnston's picture
Ah, I see my assumption was
chimp3's picture
Not wasting my time brother.
chimp3's picture
When arguing with atheist
Rowland Johnston's picture
I like this description,
chimp3's picture
I did not imply that religion
Rowland Johnston's picture
Upon rereading your
charvakheresy's picture
that was brilliant.
Pitar's picture
Searching for relevance in
Sir Random's picture
All language is basically a
algebe's picture
A language is a set of
Sir Random's picture
But still, no matter how
algebe's picture
"But still, no matter how
Sir Random's picture
"I've seen this simple


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