How shall a poetic naturalist address the world?

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Rowland Johnston's picture
How shall a poetic naturalist address the world?

I've recently converted to Poetic Naturalism as defined by Sean Carroll in his book The Big Picture. If you want to know what my approach to the problems conscientious atheists must consider, you can read my review of his book here:

I am wondering how many readers in these forums have considered the importance of appropriating metaphors that accurately and usefully describe the human experience and at the same time express a deeper understanding of the universe.

We need persuasive approaches that educate without offending or upsetting many cherished, deeply held theist beliefs.

The urgency of this problem takes many forms; Carroll offers one particularly striking example: the NABT being forced to back down on its claim that the natural processes of our universe are "unsupervised." (1995)

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chimp3's picture
Why do I need to not upset or
Rowland Johnston's picture
In my view, educating theists
algebe's picture
Rowland Johnston's picture
Empathy is a deep subject,
algebe's picture
Rowland Johnston's picture
I appreciate your comments,
algebe's picture
"What concerns me now is the
Rowland Johnston's picture
Thank you, Algebe for your
algebe's picture
"today we use the word actor
CyberLN's picture
1. If cherished, deeply held
Rowland Johnston's picture
Let me see if I can answer:
chimp3's picture
@Rowand: ......then ones
Rowland Johnston's picture
An excellent question, chimp
chimp3's picture
@Rowland : I ask you to
Rowland Johnston's picture
I apologize, chimp 3, for the
mykcob4's picture
Rowland Johnston's picture
I get that you feel offended.
mykcob4's picture
Meaning. I live threatened. I
Rowland Johnston's picture
I admire your honesty,
watchman's picture
@Rowland ...
Rowland Johnston's picture
Yes, my righteous friend, but
watchman's picture
Rowland Johnston's picture
I suggest you reread my
watchman's picture
That one guy's picture
I understand where you are
Rowland Johnston's picture
It is overwhelming to
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Rowland
Rowland Johnston's picture
I agree that the idea and
Nyarlathotep's picture
Rowland - We need persuasive
watchman's picture


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