How many people want to hear the truth?

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Nutmeg's picture
How many people want to hear the truth?

I just thought of this.

How many people want to hear the truth?

It's uncomfortable, for a start. It may challenge your beliefs.

It may halt your dreams.

It may force you to confront your shortcomings. You may have to realise that you're short/ugly/stupid/useless/whatever.

Maybe most people are better off not hearing the truth. They'd be happier that way.

Maybe the pursuit of happiness is the best goal for mankind and therefore we should be deaf to the truth.

Maybe religion is a way of not hearing the unpleasant truth of the world, that our bodies are crap and our minds are not much better, and there is no afterlife, and this is the best we get, and not for long, and life's a bitch and then we die.

Maybe the best thing is not to hear the truth.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
You need the truth to know
XyberEX's picture
Pussies don't want the truth.
Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
I was told by someone I know
Travis Hedglin's picture
First I would try to find
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"What do you, personally, do?
Demetrios Rallis's picture
I've been thinking about this
Nutmeg's picture
I tend to agree with the
science's picture
I wouldn't be so disheartened

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