Here we go again.

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ThePragmatic's picture
Here we go again.

Priest sure love kids... this is so insane. This time in Sweden.
The Bishop even sounds like he had a statement ready for this situation.

Google translate fails on some words here and there, but I think you get the point.
The word "rubic" should be like "classification".

I concider the sentence to be a joke. He should get a lot worse then that.
All preists should be castrated before they get to their position.

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ThePragmatic's picture
The link doesn't seem to work
ImFree's picture
The continuation of this crap
mysticrose's picture
This is cruel but I believe
ThePragmatic's picture
Child porngrafy in the
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
I think Hitchens nails the
Aaron's picture
This is very serious offend
Michee's picture
I don't get why this is
cmallen's picture
It's not just a trend, it's a
ThePragmatic's picture
Exactly. It's just harder to
CyberLN's picture
Praise be to information
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
U.N. Report: Vatican Policies

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