Help! Need to send 5yr old to Catholic school, our public schools.suck

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the78jack's picture
Help! Need to send 5yr old to Catholic school, our public schools.suck

Hi all! Need some advice. We live in an area with BAD public schools. Only alternative options We have are a Montessori or a Catholic school. Both are backwards. We are leaning towards Catholic. I went to Catholic schools from 2nd grade through high school graduation. My wife was also raised Catholic. She thinks it will be fine to put him in Catholic school, I'm just worried about all the Jesus stuff. They have prayers daily a monthly mass service the kids attend. I don't want him brainwashed, but I also don't want him to try to rebuke what they say. We have never mentioned anything about any religion to him. "Jesus Christ" is just a swear word! Lol
The application for kindergarten asks about what parish you belong to, baptism date and 'll kinda of stuff. We pay more tuition as non believers oops I mean non parishioners.
Anyone have experiences sending their kidnap. Catholic school? I have the education, I could bullshit my way through, but should I pre brainwash my kid so he can get s better and safer education and hope he figures out the religion. Is a way to tame the masses on his own? I hate to introduce the lies of religion, I guess the underlying messages are good, I just don't like the idea of praying to an omnipotent deity and tackling hell and Satan and all that. Help!

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Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Kudos for wanting the best
the78jack's picture
I know there are more
ZeffD's picture
I wouldn't worry too much
Pastor luke's picture
Back in 1985 when I first
the78jack's picture
Sorry I don't understand what
Tin-Man's picture
the78jack's picture
Hey Tin! Thanks! Kids are
Tin-Man's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Yellow Post TROLL
mykcob4's picture
@the yellow post (who is
David Killens's picture
Move to Finland
the78jack's picture
Finland isn't an option lol.
the78jack's picture
I graduated from a Catholic
Cognostic's picture
If I had the money and a
the78jack's picture
Ha! Thank you Cog. "I don't
ZeffD's picture
"..even if your child is a
the78jack's picture
Interesting take, Zeff,
the78jack's picture
Hey gang, I'm wondering, if i
carolelaine's picture
If you want your child to go
algebe's picture
I sent one of my kids to a
Ratburn's picture
Hello there, Jax!
the78jack's picture
Hey Rat! Thank you. He is
chimp3's picture
Jax: Is home school an option
the78jack's picture
Thanks, homeschooling isn't
chimp3's picture
Jax:There are home school co
the78jack's picture
Lol @ chimp3! Jesuits lol.
chimp3's picture
Good luck jax! I bet your
ZeffD's picture
One last thought: there's
the78jack's picture
Thanks Zeff. My son made a
Tin-Man's picture
@Jox Re: X-Men


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