Help! Need a refresher, does this prove hell???

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chimp3's picture
RT: Think of it this way. In

RT: Think of it this way. In your town there is an old cold case murder. The NDE that you are using as an example happened in a local.hosptal near you. The person awakes and says he witnessed this cold case murder by viewing the Akashic Records while nearly dead. He accuses you of the murder. I would hope that you are rational enough to realize this man is not a credible witness nor does his claim rise to the level of proof.

calhais's picture
What an interesting way to

What an interesting way to think it through.

Dave Matson's picture
Russian Tank,

Russian Tank,

"...does this prove hell?" (Let us define "proof" as scientifically compelling evidence since credibility--not certainty--is the currency of the real world.)

Answer: No.

As Carl Sagan noted, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The whole point of extraordinary evidence is to rule out the many alternative explanations with vastly better track records. Until you have eliminated those credible alternatives, some of which are discussed by forum members, you have proven nothing! Moreover, you can't even begin working on that proof until you have established the credibility of the story. Was it reported in some respected scientific journal? Were you there, giving us at least a first person account?

Anecdotal stories don't count for squat because many of them are dishonest. More likely they are confused accounts based on sloppy observation (resulting from an agenda-driven bias), sloppy reasoning (that starts with the desired conclusion and digs deep for "supporting" evidence), cherry-picked data, the downplaying or ignoring of important alternative conclusions and contradictory evidence, the fact that the story may have been added to or altered in the telling, and any number of other reasons known to psychologists.

No, this story is no proof of hell or anything else, unless it be the folly of undisciplined reasoning.

LostLocke's picture
The RT NDE postings seem to

The RT NDE postings seem to occur in such a way that I'm beginning to think we can set our clocks to them.

David Killens's picture
Unfortunately he suffers from

Unfortunately he suffers from a very unhealthy obsession.

My suggestion is to seek professional medical care.

LogicFTW's picture
I had a near death experience

I had a near death experience where.... nothing happened, no pearly gates, no god, no jesus, no virgins, just a, I am going to die! Turns out this is true for the vast majority of NDE cases.

In RT's world that must be proof there is no heaven/hell/god!

arakish's picture
I decided that I am going to

I decided that I am going to give a direct answer to the thread title. Besides, I was skimming the thread titles and had a Sarcastic Fuzzy jump into me head...

Help! Need a refresher, does this prove hell???

Hell, yes! You have gone to Hell. Why are you bothering us here?


Tin-Man's picture
@Arakish Re: "Hell, yes!

@Arakish Re: "Hell, yes! You have gone to Hell. Why are you bothering us here?"

Aw, shit. That's my bad, Arakish. The maid came in to clean, and I forgot to put the "Do Not Disturb" sign back out on the doorknob. Sorry!


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