Help! Need a refresher, does this prove hell???

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Russian-Tank's picture
Help! Need a refresher, does this prove hell???

Haven't thought about it for a while, but the fear came back today, I just need reassurance, this NDE seems hard to explain. A patient was dying, kept having a flag eeg, coming to, blacking out, coming to and said everytime he was "out" he saw hell. Then Rawlings, a medical doctor told him to pray and say he believed in Jesus, suddenly the guy's eeg went flat again, he saw heaven. He also became an evagalist. Does this prove hell?

"Rawlings told the story of his patient who collapsed during a stress test, and “before we could stop the machine, he dropped dead.”

Well, apparently not completely dead, because in the patient’s own words,

“When I came to, Dr. Rawlings was giving me CPR, and he asked me what was the matter, because I was looking so scared. I told him that I had been to hell and I need help! He said to me, ‘keep your hell to yourself, I’m a doctor and I’m trying to save your life, you need a minister for that.’ … And I would fade out every so often, so then he would focus CPR again and bring me back…Whenever I would come back to my body, I kept asking, “Please help me, please help me, I don’t want to go back to hell.” Soon a nurse named Pam said, “He needs help, do something!” At that time, Dr. Rawlings told me to repeat this short prayer. “I believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus, save my soul. Keep me alive. If I die, please keep me out of hell!”

The experience of the patient, Charles McKaig, then became pleasant, and he reported seeing his deceased mother and stepmother and being surrounded and comforted by the Holy Spirit. Upon awakening, he was an immediate evangelical Christian.

In Rawlings words, “After this was all over, I realized what really happened. It was a double conversion. Not only had this make-believe prayer converted this atheist … it had also converted this atheist doctor that was working on him”

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Tin-Man's picture
*grooooooan*.....*double face
mickron88's picture
RT back at it again with his
Tin-Man's picture
Q! How goes it, bro? Yeah, RT
Sapporo's picture
Charles probably has a long
BurningStar's picture
The way I see it, for hell
Mutorc S'yriah's picture
Righto, the person did not
Russian-Tank's picture
@ Mutorc S'yriah
arakish's picture
@ RT
David Killens's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
What you should do is compare
arakish's picture
@ Russian Tank
calhais's picture
So is this published by
xenoview's picture
It doesn't prove Hell exist.
David Killens's picture
So a personal account by a
calhais's picture
If it were ethical to run
algebe's picture
@Calhai: Ethics kills a lot
calhais's picture
I suspect that with the
David Killens's picture
@ calhais
calhais's picture
One does not have to murder
David Killens's picture
Then actually assist humanity
calhais's picture
Sheldon's picture
"this NDE seems hard to
Russian-Tank's picture
@Sheldon and everyone, I hear
Sheldon's picture
"Therefore, if it were
calhais's picture
A more accurate way to put
Sheldon's picture
Russian Tank is always
calhais's picture
I stand by my comment as true
Sheldon's picture
I didn't disagree with your
David Killens's picture
watchman's picture
@Russian-Tank …..


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