The Great Flood Debate

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JDHalliday's picture
The Great Flood Debate

I am an atheist that used to be a Christian, so I have heard about the great flood many times, and it seemed so ridiculous, that it was one of the things that turned me toward agnosticism and eventually atheism.

I recently saw Bill Nye's debate with Ken Ham, and one of the topics was the great flood debate.

What do you guys think about it? I think it's quite ridiculous, and if you want to see why you can check out the debate below.

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ImFree's picture
Welcome to the secular world,
ThePragmatic's picture
What's so bizarre is that Ken
JDHalliday's picture
His best supported argument
ImFree's picture
I get so frustrated listening
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
“To see Bill Nye's arguments
Anonymous's picture
The "story" of Noah's Arc
JDHalliday's picture
This explains it all: https:/
ImFree's picture
Here is Seth Andrew's version
JDHalliday's picture
Even more evidence for the
Anonymous's picture
only baby dinosaurs were on
JDHalliday's picture
Actually God just put the
Nutmeg's picture
There are lots of flood
LoisKobb1964's picture
Well, if there was a great
Nutmeg's picture
Global warming?
ThePragmatic's picture
"Dibs on the Dragon Meat"

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