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LogicFTW's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Prove love exists."
arakish's picture
@ Graceless
Sheldon's picture
Wed, 04/24/2019 - 08:41
NewSkeptic's picture
My favorite apologetics right
Up To My Neck's picture
Shove it up your ass! You
Vickie's picture
Hello Pot, It’s the kettle.
dogalmighty's picture
LOL...you fail at reason
Up To My Neck's picture
Hello Jesus, it’s the three
Cognostic's picture
And round and round and round


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dogalmighty's picture
Where it stops, nobody knows.
Vickie's picture
The fool [1] says in his
dogalmighty's picture
“It does not do to dwell on
Sheldon's picture
@ Grace
Sheldon's picture
"The fool [1] says in his
Cognostic's picture
@MODS? Seriously, there is
Sapporo's picture
Grace: The fool [1] says in
Vickie's picture
If u don’t believe in God
dogalmighty's picture
Because it saddens me that so
LogicFTW's picture
We are talking about god
CyberLN's picture
Grace, how is it you know doG
Tin-Man's picture
@Cyber Re: "Grace, how is it
dogalmighty's picture
Ahhh ha. My wife and I heard
Sheldon's picture
This old canard, you came to
algebe's picture
@Grace: If u don’t believe in
Cognostic's picture
@Grace "The fool [1] says
Vickie's picture
Be careful Cognostic. You
LogicFTW's picture
Oh that's nice, a threat. A
dogalmighty's picture
Well, how interesting...none
Sheldon's picture
If he were real then Jesus


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