God gets credit

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science's picture
So, theists live longer than
anthony500's picture
Nyarlathotep's picture
Curious - "Despite the claims
science's picture
You keep saying,"science is
Ilovequestions's picture
You are exactly right. My
science's picture
As long as that "philosohpy"
science's picture
By the way, if philosophy
anthony500's picture
Why is science limited?
science's picture
Fossils are fossils, DNA is
ThePragmatic's picture
Curious, your name should be
ThePragmatic's picture
You make a lot of assumptions
cmallen's picture
ILQ probably meant that there
Ilovequestions's picture
Thanks, brother. I completely
Ilovequestions's picture
Whoops! You are right! I
SvanUlf's picture
Intelligent people are better
HomunculusThor's picture
So I just read this whole
science's picture
I read something in the paper
HomunculusThor's picture
A note on Kurzweil and the
CyberLN's picture
Please provide a description
HomunculusThor's picture
The descriptive process of
HomunculusThor's picture
Stephen Hawking paragraph
Nyarlathotep's picture
AI is a joke, IMO. When you
Travis Hedglin's picture
Damnit, every time I visit
Nyarlathotep's picture
Heh, the "resistance is
Travis Hedglin's picture
Damnit man, you and your
HomunculusThor's picture
I know where your wife hid
HomunculusThor's picture
Hey, wait there just a minute
HomunculusThor's picture
Hey, you juss wait there a
HomunculusThor's picture
[Oh. Didn't see the page


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