God gets credit

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science's picture
God gets credit

Theists say that "God" sees everything, and knows what a person is destined to do. If that were so, then why does "He" allow the atrocities that have taken place for so many thousands of years, including acts of "Himself," ( hurricanes, tornado's, earthquakes, tsunamis, mudslides, typhoons, monsoons, etc. are called "acts of god") especially against defenseless children?? For example, and this is of course only the tip of the iceberg, that would mean that "God" knew that Adam Lanza was going to go into that first grade classroom and slaughter 20 children, and 7 others. Why did 'he" allow that...where was "His" presence for the "miracle?" I am 100% sure that if there had been any survivors, that "God" would have gotten the thanks for that... but tragically,we cannot say that. If "He" truly knows what is going to happen, why dosen't he PREVENT these things in the first place, instead of allowing the tragedy to happen, then get the credit if anyone is lucky enough to survive? ( what if there were no survivors, then what??) Theists will always have an appropriate excuse for these things, no matter how ridiculous. They go to church to learn how to explain away reason, and logical questioning...making themselves feel comfortable with things that they know deep down don't make any sense.

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ImFree's picture
I disregard religious
Ilovequestions's picture
And then there is this thing
science's picture
Free will, and a cursed
Travis Hedglin's picture
Munchhausen By Proxy. Make em
anthony500's picture
Absolutely no need to look
cmallen's picture
We do have the free will to
anthony500's picture
You said, "This is
Travis Hedglin's picture
"To be clear, are you saying
anthony500's picture
Travis, thanks for your
CyberLN's picture
anthony500's picture
Thanks! I stand corrected!
Travis Hedglin's picture
"While I do not have time to
ThePragmatic's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
Correcting myself:
anthony500's picture
“ Yes! Look around you. The
ThePragmatic's picture
"This statement is
anthony500's picture
Thanks for your response!
ThePragmatic's picture
I only have time for a short
ThePragmatic's picture
Again, I'm bad at getting my
Pitar's picture
Working yourself up to a
science's picture
Sorry, pal, theists and
Ilovequestions's picture
Isn't it great that
CyberLN's picture
I feel absolutely no need to
Ilovequestions's picture
My point is not that YOU
cmallen's picture
What makes you think
Ilovequestions's picture
Humanism was at an all time
cmallen's picture
I didn't say it hasn't been
ThePragmatic's picture
Sorry Ilovequestions, but
Ilovequestions's picture
Well, okay :) I'll be a mind
ThePragmatic's picture
I really thought you had a


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