Is the God of The Bible just?

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Johnny's picture
Beleevur responds to
Nyarlathotep's picture
what a disgusting fantasy
Johnny's picture
Nyarlathotep: You may believe
phetaroi's picture
So let's see...God broke one
Johnny's picture
Did I commit a typo? Please
algebe's picture
@beleevur: "Which commandment
Sky Pilot's picture
Johnny's picture
Let me start with the flood.
algebe's picture
beleevur: "It was an act of
chimp3's picture
@beleevur: As I stated before
CyberLN's picture
beleevur: " Had God not
Johnny's picture
By this: And GOD saw that the
chimp3's picture
beleevur: Is that an
Johnny's picture
I believe it is an accurate
chimp3's picture
beleevur: Your belief is not
Johnny's picture
chimp3 said to beleevur: Your
ELIJAH4HIM's picture
Just a question if I may?
CyberLN's picture
Mick, men DO NOT have fewer
Nyarlathotep's picture
Too funny.
Nyarlathotep's picture
MICK - Despite forty authors
Sky Pilot's picture
CyberLN's picture
Well, I'll counter with this:
mykcob4's picture
Ah, beleevur there is your
Johnny's picture
There are lots of theories
Sky Pilot's picture
Johnny's picture
Read the story more carefully
Sky Pilot's picture
So when the water sprung up
phetaroi's picture
If there was a God who was
Johnny's picture
phetaroi said: If there was a
phetaroi's picture
You haven't given up arguing


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