Genesis 37:4 - Genesis 50:26, any issues?

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arakish's picture
The bible records many, many

The bible records many, many events. Many of them are horrendous (e.g. sacrificing your daughter, cutting up a person into 12 parts). However just because they are recorded doesn't mean God condones the actions. That may be where many people get confused. One thing is clear from reading the OT, people are evil. This is why the events of the OT are contrasted with occasional text that points to a new coming King.

"Does not mean God condones the actions" my little child you are full of it.

"people are evil" and so is your Sky Faerie

Here is a challenge for you, go to THIS POST, dive into your god's spetic tank, pick its nastiest turd, and let's discuss why your Sky Faerie is the most horrific and terrifying monster to ever haunt humanity.


Tin-Man's picture


Hey there, Little Lady. My apologies for taking so long to get back with you. Got a little busier than expected around here, and I only had a bit of time to read a few of those passages over the weekend. Okay, well, to be honest, I probably could have read a bit more, but I got to the part about Judah and Tamar and just threw my hands up. Couldn't stomach much more after that. *chuckle* But since you have mentioned them just now, allow me to hit a couple of highlights that stood out to me...

For starters, yeah, that story just "pops up" right in the middle of the Joseph story like a bad annoying commercial or something. lol Anyway, let me lay a little ground work first.

Judah has three sons by Shuah. (Can't really call her his wife for certain, because it was not made clear if they were married. It just says, "He took her and went in unto her." Seems a bit rude, but whatever.)
The sons: Er (the oldest) Onan (middle) Shelah (youngest) Okay, that should be enough...

So, Judah (the father) hooks up Er (the oldest son) with a girl named Tamar. Simple enough so far. Unfortunately, however, Er was a "wicked" young boy, so (The) God (father) had Er fed to the fishes. Now, we have no idea what the hell Er did to piss off (The) God (father), but it must have been some really bad shit, because God didn't even send one of his henchmen to take out Er. God took care of that business HIMSELF. Wow....(Which begs the question, by the way. Did God whack Er before or after the honeymoon? And, if Er was such a horribly wicked dude, why did God allow him to get married in the first place? Why not kill him BEFORE he got married and save the bride a bunch of grief?.... Grrr.... Now you are starting to see why I got tired of reading that crap...)

Anyway, so Judah is like, "Well, damn. Guess Er was a dumb-ass. Oh, well. Plan B. Hey, Onan! Get your ass in here!" And Judah tells Onan, "Okay, Champ, you're up! Go bang your sister-in-law for your wicked dead brother. I need some grandchildren, dammit!" But somewhere in Onan's brain he was thinking, "Something just isn't right about this." Or maybe he was thinking, "What the...? Hey, maybe I don't want kids." Because he obviously had no problems screwing Tamar, but at the last second he pulled out and splooged all over the floor. Now, for whatever reason, (The) God (father) got PISSED about that. (Not sure why. Maybe he was the one who had to clean the floor? I dunno... *shrugging shoulders*...) Regardless, (The) God (father) also whacked Onan who was soon wearing concrete boots at the bottom of the sea feeding the fishes with Er.

At this point, Judah was like, "Awww, c'mon! What the hell's it gonna take for me to get this chick pregnant???" Well, since little Shelah was apparently still young enough to be picking his nose and eating the boogers, Judah sent Tamar back home to her daddy (supposedly to keep her out of trouble) until Shelah was old enough to take his chances with the cursed vagina of Tamar. And from there, it just gets even MORE ridiculous, if you can believe THAT!.... *rubbing eyes with heels of hands*.... *grooooan*.... I think I need an aspirin... Uh, so, yeah... Anyway... That's about as much as I could stand of all of that. Sorry I could not give you any insight into the rest of it, but my bs tolerance levels are not quite as high as they once were. *chuckle* You keep searching and learning, though, Miss AUS. I have to admit, your stomach is a whole lot stronger than mine if you can get through all of that crud. *grin*

arakish's picture
@ Tin-Man and AUS lass

@ Tin-Man and AUS lass

To continue in a very abbreviated way, Tamar, wanting to have children, then dressed as a prostitute so as to entice Judah. It worked, he went in unto her and got her knocked up. Later on Judah accuses Tamar of prostitution since she has a child before Shelah is old enough to know picking his nose and eating the boogers ain't get him laid. Tamar then tells Judah the child is his and the prostitute he went in unto was her. Judah then quickly changes his mind about stoning and said she ain't guilty of prostitution and that his booger eating son was actually the father. I may not be remembering that last part too correctly.

Checked it. Was kind of correct. Shelah actually was old enough when Judah went in unto Tamar and made the babies. The babies were Perez and Zerah. Then it skips to Joseph in Chapter 39 and I get lost.

Tin-Man. You have greater fortitude than I. I can usually only can read about one chapter before I start getting sick. Most of the verses I use are catalogued so I ain't got to search except by keywords taking me right to the verse I need, then I can look it up in the Bible, then copy and paste. Basically the same list I gave in God's Nastiest Turd. Kudos to you dude for enduring that much.


Cognostic's picture
Theists point of view....

Theists point of view....
Atheist: FACT
Theist: Why
Atheist: FACT
Theist: Why
Atheist: FACT
Theist: Why
Atheists: FACT
Theist: Why
Atheist: "I don't know. No one knows. It's the end of knowledge."
Theist: "Aaa Haa! God!"

* The God of the Gaps/

Cognostic's picture
The THEISTS point of view"

The THEISTS point of view"

1. Most people in the world believe in gods. (Argumentum Ad Populum)

2. Everything has a cause. God does not have a cause. He is the uncaused causer. (Special Pleading)

3. God is all loving and kind. "Why then does he murder millions of innocent people in the Bible." I don't mean that god. I mean the all kind and loving god. (Moving the Goal Posts)

4. William Lane Craig and the Pope have proved there is a God. (Appeal to Authority)

5. There have always been gods. Gods happen in every culture. (First, not true. Second, Appeal to Tradition).

6. The universe is so complex, just like they eye, how can they exist without a designer. (Argument from Incredulity)

7. The disciples all died horrible deaths and they would not have done so if Jesus was not real. (Appeal to emotion. Also, not true.)

8. If you do not believe in God, you are risking eternal damnation. (Pascal's Wager / Appeal to Fear and Appeal to Reward.) If you do believe you get cake and ice cream.

9. God did it. "I disagree." You can only disagree because God did it. "But I don't believe in your god." That's because God did it. "Can you prove God did it." I don't have to, I know God did it. "How do you know." God put this knowledge on everyone's heart. "It's not on my heart." "Yes it is, you know there is a god and you are just in denial."
"Prove God did it." I don't have to. "We have nothing to talk about."
HA HA The Christians win again! (Presuppositionalism)

10. Jesus was real. He was crucified. The tomb was empty. All scholars agree. (Minimal FACTS Fallacy and Cherry Picking paired with Argumentum Ad Populum).

11. Jesus says..... "How do you know it's true." The bible says it's true. "How do you know the Bible is true." The bible is the inspired word of God. "How do you know the bible is the inspired word of God? " God says so in the bible. (Circular reasoning.).

12. Jesus loves you. (LIE, Jesus, according to your book, wants to burn me in hell.)

13. Atheism is a belief system too. OR The Atheist world view can not account for morality. (Straw man fallacy. Atheism can not be attacked as "disbelief in a god." It must be changed to something that can be attacked.

14. Atheists have faith too. (Red Herring Fallacy)

15. God is omnipotent, omnipresent, invisible, non-corporal and is beyond time and space. (unfalsifiable)


srpostma11's picture
Old man shouts...E

Old man shouts...

I appreciate your honesty. There are some very hard parts of the bible to understand. Even die-hard Christians struggle with certain parts. Have you read the entire Bible in the way it was supposed to be read, or did you just read certain parts?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mailman

@ Mailman is it, "supposed to be read" please enlighten me.

Nyarlathotep's picture
Another classic claim, that

Another classic claim, that we read the bible wrong. I read it cover to cover myself, more than once. Although I admit to skipping or at least mentally checking out while reading a few extremely dull parts like most of Numbers after the first reading.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Nyar

@ Nyar

Wait for it....whats the betting on Allegory, Metaphor and Context?

After all us dumb clods just read it like a text right? Apparently the loving, moral god is hiding in the Nuances.

Nyarlathotep's picture
I'm actually curious how we

I'm actually curious how we are suppose to read it. I've been told many times that I read it wrong; and each time I'm told something different about how it is supposed to be read. Might be funny!

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Nyar

@ Nyar

Yep, that's been my experience as well...let's see what Mailman has to offer...mind, if its another link to a youtube apologist I shall erupt.

srpostma11's picture
I will let the Bible speak

I will let the Bible speak for itself. Bear in mind that the Bible offers a gimps into God's character. Deuteronomy 4:29 says you will find God if you seek him with all your heart and soul. You do this by reading the Bible in a humble manner. If you have a hard heart, the Bible will not speak to you and it will think it makes no sense.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Let the bible speak for itself?

How about stoning young women, stoning impudent children? Torture, infanticide, genocide? How does that not speak for itself. They are all there, Arakish can give you chapter and verse of the horrific things your god has caused, encouraged or actually done.

Which la la land do you inhabit where you can disregard those very instructions, to kill, maim, stone, and treat slaves?

arakish's picture
@ mailman

@ mailman

I have probably read the entire Bible cover to cover at least 5 times. With the intention of wanting the Holy Spirit to speak to me through its verses as you Christians put it. I prayed to God every night for over a decade and it never answered.

Additionally, the Bible is nothing more than the most gigantic contradiction to ever exist. It is nothing more than a collection of plagiarized faerie tales.

Good Example: The Noahacian Flood Story oldest written copy 450 BCE. A rewriting of the Epic of Gilgamesh written 1600 BCE. Which is a rewriting of the Epic of Atra-Hasis written 1700 BCE. Which is a rewriting of the Epic of Ziusudra written 1900 BCE. Which is a rewriting of the Genesis of Eridu written 2000 BCE.

The Bible has been rewritten and retranslated and rewritten and retranslated and rewritten and retranslated and rewritten so many times there is NO truth left in it. NONE.

mailman, quit being the robot you are being force fed the data they want you to believe. Unplug. Take the red pill...


Cognostic's picture
A classic attempt at a

A classic attempt at a theological double bind. If you read the bible with all your heart and soul you will find God. If you read it and can not find God, you just were not trying hard enough. You can not read it with all your heart and soul if you think it does not make sense.


If you actually read the bible and had half a brain you would recognize the contradictions, inconsistencies, horrors, and what a dumb fuck your god and Jesus actually are., The fact that you read it and do not see these things just means you do not have half a brain.

arakish's picture
@ Nyar and Old Man

@ Nyar and Old Man

C'mon. Get with the program. When reading the Bible you are supposed to be playing that "devil may care" Heavy Metal, head-banging music in the background will also smoking some good weed and drinking a good bottle of Savignon Cabernet.

Sheesh, yunguns.


arakish's picture
@ Old Man

@ Old Man

I place a bet that it is all three...


arakish's picture
@ mailman

@ mailman

I appreciate your honesty. There are some very hard parts of the bible to understand. Even die-hard Christians struggle with certain parts. Have you read the entire Bible in the way it was supposed to be read, or did you just read certain parts?

And I have studied the Bible for over 30 years. It is nothing but a collection of plagiarized myths and legends far, FAR! older than the Bible itself. Many are hundreds of years older, some are thousands of years older. Although I studied the whole Bible with the desire to prove it real, I found nothing to prove so. In fact, all the objective hard empirical evidence I found irrefutably proves the Bible to be FALSE! As said, I studied the Bible from a scientific point of view because I wanted to know why so many people would believe in something that could NOT be proven true.

My emphasis has been into the Noahacian Flood Myth and the Exodus That Went Nowhere because these are two biggest lynchpins in the Christian belief system. I have studied into the Jesus Myth also. However, Old Man here at AR is more knowledgeable than I am.

Answer this question: If your deity is omniscient, omnipotent, omnipresent, and omnibenovelent (NOT!), and it is a deity that wants us to find it, wants us to believe in it, and it is capable of literally anything, then it should be no problem for it to provide irrefutable objective hard empirical evidence of its existence, then why hasn't it done so?

Read this: What I Believe

And this Post

And this Post

Ever heard of Hitchens's Razor?

What about Arakish's Razor?

Arakish's Razor: NO EVIDENCE = NO EXISTENCE! Period. End of story.


srpostma11's picture
There is a lot here but I

There is a lot here but I want to address the Jesus Myth claim.

Atheistic scholars almost all (there could be 1 or 2 who are the exception) agree that Jesus existed. This is not even an issue for debate among their colleagues. Even Bart Ehrman agrees Jesus existed. Bart Ehrman is an atheist.

I don't even know how to go about addressing any other issues if you are in disagreement with such an accepted fact about Jesus actually existing. It almost seems like you put faith in your belief above the evidence for a historical Jesus. Don't you accuse Christians of putting faith before facts/evidence?

Can you help me with this?

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mailman

@ Mailman

There is NO evidence for an historical Jesus. What Bart Ehrman is talking about is a probability that the later stories are based on either one or a conglomeration of 1st century figures. Note 'probability' . That is not evidence. It is also typical of apologists to exaggerate their claims and misquote people.

The fact remains that the jesus figure is not written about or noted in any way, we until the very late 1st century.
I prefer to say there is no evidence, not a skerrick for the biblical jesus' existence. Not that he plain did not exist.

There were several christian traditions at the turn of the 2cnd Century CE, the jewish ones discounted the "son of god" and were adoptionists, Then there were Hellenist christians who also eschewed the "son of god label" and were and became gnosts, the Syriac church with their combined gospels, The Marcionites who had a version of Luke (like the Ebionites and Matthew) without the whole virgin birth nonsense. And finally the Paulines that eventually sold out and were taken over by Rome as the State Religion with many alterations to the text to suit their purposes.

It is therefore much more likely that should any evidence for a figure resembling the jesus of the gospels should be unearthed it would be cataclysmic for the current churches as the evidence would be more likely to blast their current positions into dust.

Do some actual reading, including your bible if you can stomach all the brutality. Frankly it turns my stomach.

srpostma11's picture
@Old Man

@Old Man

See this reference...I can't make it any clearer than this about Bart believing that Jesus existed:

...or am I reading the 1st paragraph wrong? (I don't mean to be facetious, but Bart states in the cited reference in the 1st wikipedia paragraph that Jesus existed.)

Note: I don't always agree with Wikipedia...just an FYI

Old man shouts at clouds's picture


Read his books. He is basing his conclusion on probabilities. Flimsy at best.
You wouldn't want a policeman to arrest you because "you probably did it". There is NO EVIDENCE at all for the existence of the biblical Jesus until the turn of the second century CE...two whole generations after the supposed death of this person and three generations since his birth. Let that sink in. . You keep moving the goalposts yet you cannot produce any evidence to refute my argument at all. There simply is no contemporary evidence for his existence. None.

I have studied Early Christianity in some depth but even a cursory reading of Ehrman and others will tell you what you believe now is very much unlike the standards of the second century CE believers.

arakish's picture


There is a lot here but I want to address the Jesus Myth claim.

Atheistic scholars almost all (there could be 1 or 2 who are the exception) agree that Jesus existed. This is not even an issue for debate among their colleagues. Even Bart Ehrman agrees Jesus existed. Bart Ehrman is an atheist.

I don't even know how to go about addressing any other issues if you are in disagreement with such an accepted fact about Jesus actually existing. It almost seems like you put faith in your belief above the evidence for a historical Jesus. Don't you accuse Christians of putting faith before facts/evidence?

Can you help me with this?

Wow, you have been deluded, Grasshopper. Specifically where you are wrong.

mailman"Atheistic scholars almost all (there could be 1 or 2 who are the exception) agree that Jesus existed. This is not even an issue for debate among their colleagues. Even Bart Ehrman agrees Jesus existed. Bart Ehrman is an atheist."

Completely wrong. They all state that they are not disagreeing with the possiblity that a "Jesus" character existed. Even Bart Ehrman says so. Not one atheist has ever said "Jesus existed." They have all said the may have existed, could have existed, possibly existed, etc. Read their books again.

mailman"I don't even know how to go about addressing any other issues if you are in disagreement with such an accepted fact about Jesus actually existing."

Probably because of the millions of Jews who say Jesus never existed and even if he did he was NOT the Messiah?

mailman"It almost seems like you put faith in your belief above the evidence for a historical Jesus."

First of all, I ain't got any faith. And my beliefs are totally dependent upon objective hard empirical evidence. The more I have, the more I believe in something because my belief is wholly dependent upon objective facts. There is absolutely NO evidence Jesus ever existed outside of the four Gospels. And even the first one, Mark, was not written until almost 100 years after the fictional event.

mailman"Don't you accuse Christians of putting faith before facts/evidence?"

Because that is what y'all do.

Remember these:

FACTS — Formulated Accurately Codified Truth in Science

FAITH — Falsehoods Assumptions Innuendos Treachery and Hogwash

Sorry, me AR brothers, he asked for it.

OK. Time for the long history lesson and smackdown. Old Man knows more than I do on this, but this is what I have found about the Jesus Myth.

Let’s look at what the biblical scholars say about the four gospels. All bible scholars agree that Mark was the first gospel. Then came Matthew, Luke, and finally John. This has always made me wonder, if Mark was the first gospel, why is Matthew listed first? Most bible scholars agree the dates they were written is: Mark = 60 CE, Matthew = 70 CE, Luke = 75 CE, and John = 90 CE. OK. Most bible scholars agree Jesus was crucified in 30 CE. Of course, they cannot even agree on this for some put the crucifixion as early as 25 CE and as late as 38 CE. And this is due to the fact that they cannot agree when he was born. As far as I am concerned, this proves Jesus/Yeshua was a complete lie, a fabricated myth. However, I shall stay with the most agreed upon date of 30 CE.

Here entails the problem. This means that Mark was written 30 years after the event in question. Matthew written 40 years after, Luke written 45 years after, and John 60 years after. Can you honestly expect anyone to believe that the life and times of a person can be remembered in such exquisite detail that many years later? Relying on just memory?

Try this thought experiment. Using the year 2018 as the basis, remember an event you witnessed, relying on no other sources than your own fallable memory, and describe that event in exquisite detail that occurred in 1988. In 1978. In 1973. And, in 1958. Cannot do it can you? Human memory is funny that way.

Of course, there is your “inspired by the Holy Ghost” because the Bible says so. This is the Circular Logic Fallacy. “The Bible is the word of god because the Bible says it is the word of god.” Can you not see the fallacy in that claim? Using that same claim, I can say that Harry Potter is real because those seven books says he is real. No book can be its own source of validity. It does not work that way. The validity of anything can only be proven by sources other than itself. Regardless of how much you wish it to be true, the Bible can never be used to prove itself valid. Thus, the Bible is invalid.

And here is another interesting fact. Why does the oldest version of the Gospel of Mark only dates back to only 112 CE? This means the first gospel was not written until 82! years after the event in question. And the other three date much later. The Gospel of John, the last one written dates to about circa 188 CE, 158! years later. Thus, how did the Bible scholars determine that the gospels were written much earlier? Or, it is the lie fabricated by those megalomaniacal psychotic sociopaths?

Additionally, there are no outside sources that even mention “Jesus/Yeshua” except for the one document (that I have seen in person) written by Josephus. And I cannot even remember when it was written. And he only mentions that the “Christians” around the Levant were speaking about a “street evangelist” by the name of “Yeshua” of which “no official record” can be found. Basically, Josephus wrote about a “new cult” that was springing up around the Levant about a non-existent person.

Otherwise, the only other “official records” (which they are not) are the four gospels themselves. And I have already shown where a document cannot prove its own validity. However, even the gospels are suspect since the oldest versions have been dated to only around 112 CE to 188 CE. That is 82 to 158 years (76 year span) after the supposed crucifixion, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

This would mean for about eight to sixteen decades, the only stories about Jesus/Yeshua were passed down by “word of mouth.” And we all know what happens with “word of mouth” stories. They get embellished in the same exact fashion as those “The Fish That Got Away” stories. By the way, did I tell you the story of the fish that was


that broke my fishing line and got away? No. Remind me sometime...

Then there are other problems with the four gospels. Using advanced forensic writing analysis, all four gospels show signs of having been written by more than one person. Mark is worst, showing signs that up to six different persons wrote it. Additionally, the last chapter is not even part of the original gospel. Mark Chapter 16 was not added until several centuries later circa 500 to 600 CE. Matthew and Luke show signs of having been written by up to three or four different persons. John is the least with up to two or three different persons. And to really throw a monkey wrench into this, the Paulian epistles have been shown to have been written by up to eight different persons. Hmm… And, The Revelation of Saint John the Divine has been shown to have been written by four different persons.

As said, do the research for yourself. Wikipedia can be a good starting point. However, do not completely rely on the Wikipedia web page itself. Even though anyone with an account can alter the text of a page, Wikipedia has been shown to be as truthful and reliable any other encyclopedia. Instead use it as jump-off point to the more trustworthy web sites at universities and scientific institutes. Especially focus into the “See also,” “Notes,” “References,” “Further reading,” “Bibliography,” and/or “External links” sections at the bottom. These may actually lead to some official scientific peer-reviewed journal articles/papers. And do NOT use the religious apologetic sites that pretend to be science sites, of which include Answers In Genesis, Discovery Institute, and the Institute of Creation Research. Such sites, as these three listed, are actually pseudoscience apologetics pawning themselves off as if true science. Additionally, anyone religious person, even those with supposed PhDs, can write their articles without any peer-review process that actual science papers must pass before being accepted for publication. I know. It took over three years from my master's thesis and dissertation (yes two papers) to be approved.

And that is something I love about true science. It is the only set of disciplines where you will have official articles/papers that are peer-reviewed (sometimes for years) before they are even eligible for publication. This is something you shall never see in any religion. Anybody can write anything religious and publish it without any recourse or peer-review. Of course, the same could be said of my writings. However, I am not trying to pawn off my writings as official science journal articles/papers. My writings are nothing more than a treatise. And I even ask, several times, for you to do some research of your own. Don’t trust my word, find the answers for yourself. That is what it means to be human, instead of a robot force fed with the data others want you to know. Remember, it is more important how to think than to be told what to think. And from the section “Some Favorite Quotes”: Beware those who would deny you access to information, for they already dream themselves your master. That is all any Religious Absolutist is, a megalomaniacal psychotic sociopath who dreams of enslaving the entire human species.

In summation, I shall be the first to admit that a person similar to Jesus/Yeshua may have actually existed. However, I shall never admit that he was some form of deity. I shall also admit that he may have been quite intelligent. But the son of god? No.

In all likelihood, your precious Jesus/Yeshua was probably nothing more than a bastard child left homeless. In having to fend for himself, he devised a method in which he would get others to help fend for him. And in his attempt to completely destroy and disrupt the status quo, he was discovered for the fraud he was and killed. Those who did love him, concocted the myth behind the man, making him seem more and more wise and holy until the myth became a story about the son of god. And how many times has this happened throughout history? Research it. You shall find Jesus/Yeshua ain’t the only flimflam artist who was ascended to such a mighty throne. Muhammad is another. And remember that Muhammad was a murdering thief, an ethnic genocidal cleanser, and a child rapist and molester.

Have you never heard of the “Chinese Whispers” game? Every 8 or 9 year old can tell what that game is. Thus, you must be ≤7 years old. My poor little child, those Religious Absolutists have done a whammy on you, ain't they? The teacher tells the first child a short story (and is written down to show the difference later). That child then tells the story to the next child, who then tells it to the next, and the next, and so on. Once it has gone through at least two dozen children, the last child repeats the story out loud. And the story is completely different than when it started. This same thing has happened with the gospels.

You Religious Absolutists are only good for one thing, spewing mind diarrhea and mental vomit. Lies. More lies. And even more lies. Your Magic Zombie Virgin is just a fantasy.


srpostma11's picture

I am confused. Wikipedia quotes Bart Ehrman as saying "whatever else you may think about Jesus, he certainly did exist." Then Wikipedia references the book that Ehrman wrote which identifies the source of this statement. I quote Ehrman (via wikipedia) who states that Jesus existed. But you say 'I am wrong. Ehrman says Jesus might have existed.' with no source. Without a valid source, it would appear to be more of a belief.

Do you see why I am confused? We aren't even debating Jesus existence, which is far more involved since it occurred 2,000 years ago. We are debating what Ehrman believes about Jesus existence, and Ehrman believes he existed. Its right there in the Wikipedia link - it's not even hiding. Can you please use his book (or a Wikipedia quote) to identify where he only states that Jesus "might/could" have existed. If we can't get what Ehrman said (a contemporary) right, how in the world will we get anywhere with a historical Jesus?

I don't doubt some of your other facts, but we need to resolve this one first. Did that all make sense?

arakish's picture
@ mailman

@ mailman

Read it again:

In the book, written to counter the idea that there was never such a person as Jesus Christ at all, Ehrman sets out to demonstrate the historical evidence for Jesus' existence, and he aims to state why all experts in the area agree that "whatever else you may think about Jesus, he certainly did exist" (Wikipedia).

You have no reading comprehension skills do you? Of course you don't. That is what the Religious Absolutist indoctrination and training program does. It eradicates all mental abilities of critical thinking, logical reasoning, analytical thought, deductive reasoning, and what its that fifth one... damn this Alzheimer's... rational thought. You know, sometimes I hate being a sorry ass old fart. Ain't never enough brain to hold all my knowledge.

Can you see the emphases above? That quote "whatever else you may think about Jesus, he certainly did exist" is NOT Ehrman's quote, but him quoting the all experts in the area agreeing that Jesus did exist. The all experts he is talking about are the Religious Absolutist biblical scholars and NOT the Rational Atheist biblical scholars. Big difference. Read his book. And that is why you should not completely trust Wikipedia. It is a very good starting point for your searches, but always refer to the “See also,” “Notes,” “References,” “Further reading,” “Bibliography,” and/or “External links” sections near the bottom of the page. These may actually lead to some official scientific peer-reviewed journal articles/papers.

And do NOT use those apologetics websites. Ain't a damn thing they put out been peer-reviewed. And most of the authors on those apologetics web sites are not even educated as listed in their articles, not when you dig deeper into their credentials. Most, if not all are about as educated as the Broccoli-Man, Kent Hovind.


EDIT: corrected an attribution. Sorry Nyar. Surprised you did not spot it...

srpostma11's picture

I understood the quote to mean that Bart also considered himself to be one of these experts. But I can see how one would think otherwise. Wouldn't the title of his book "Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth" also imply that Ehrman believes in a historical Jesus? Otherwise it would be deceiving to name a book with this title. Also you state it best when you quote "Ehrman sets out to demonstrate the historical evidence for Jesus' existence..."

I agree about being careful with Wikipedia...

Agreed on the apologetics websites with an exception. If they are heavily cited, then I don't see a problem since they are getting their information from possible non-apologetics sources.

arakish's picture
@ mailman

@ mailman

See? Still no reading comprehension skills.

mailman: "Wouldn't the title of his book "Did Jesus Exist?: The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth" also imply that Ehrman believes in a historical Jesus?"

Nope. It DOES NOT imply any such thing. At least not to me, someone who is still capable of critical thinking, rational thought, analytical thought, logical reasoning, and deductive reasoning. I can not see how YOU can derive such an implication. But that can be explained by our different thinking patterns. Please explain your thought patterns. Then I may be able to see why you are incapable of critical thinking, rational thought, analytical thought, logical reasoning, and deductive reasoning. I can see where you might be seeing your thought in the part of the title "The Historical Argument for Jesus of Nazareth." However, this by no means implies that he (Bart Ehrman) believes Jesus actually existed. Remember, he teaches at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. I lived only a few miles from where he was teaching. And it was at UNC-CH where I met the transgender gal I dated for about 14 months before getting the job at Yellowstone. Quite often, after getting his permission AND if there was an empty seat, I would sit in on his class lectures. A couple of times, he even asked me to speak with him by answering his questions as to why I was an atheist. I can definitvely tell you Bart Ehrman is an atheist. Just becase he writes a book trying to prove the Bible correct does not change that fact.

And here is prime example of short essay I wrote: "Some GIS Research Into The GOOD Of Religion." Does this title imply that I believe that religion is a good thing? Think Critically about it.

FYI: GIS = Geographical Information Science.

mailman: "Otherwise it would be deceiving to name a book with this title."

No it is not. Part of the forword to my double essays in one of my books is worded thusly:

I have spent over 30 years researching the Bible in every attempt to prove it correct. I wanted to know from a scientific point of view why so many people would believe in something that has never been proven correct.

After this I only talk about how all my research did nothing but prove the Bible to be completely wrong and nothing more than a collection of plagiarized faerie tales and myths and legends. Here is a good one for you. Samson and Delilah. Try and guess what myth this was based on? And this story does not even appear in the Greek versions of the OT. Ever heard of Herakles? Also called Hercules? Samson is based on the Herakles myth which was written hundreds of years before the myth of Samson and Delilah.

And again, is the title of my short essay "Some GIS Research Into The GOOD Of Religion" deceptive? Think Critically about it.

mailman: "Also you state it best when you quote "Ehrman sets out to demonstrate the historical evidence for Jesus' existence...""

BTW: I can see where you may think "I stated" your quote above. I incorrectly failed to include that was a citation copied from the Wikipedia page you linked to. Sorry for that, but "I" do not "state" that. I quoted it and failed to include the attribution. My apologiies and thank you for pointing that out. I have since corrected the error. Again, thank you.

The same way I did with my research essays of the Noahacian Flood Myth and the Exodus That Went Nowhere I wrote while I was in college. I set out to demonstrate the historical evidence of these events. Provided the evidence existed. For the flood myths, ALL of my research pointed to the last major flood event that occured in the floodplains of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There was a major catastrophic flood event circa 2900 BCE to 3000 BCE. Is it any wonder that the oldest flood myth stories came from Mesopotamia? Babylon? The Sumerians? C'mon dude, do some critical thinking. That is all it takes. And remember this that I have been saying here of late:

Searching for knowledge is what it means to be human instead of a religious robot being told what you can and cannot know. There is no shame in being self-taught, searching for learning and knowledge. The only shame is not searching in the first place.

And another quote: "I refuse to believe and think as you Christians due to the fact that I much prefer knowing that it is more important how to think than to be told what to think. I prefer to keep my capability of critical thinking, rational thought, logical reasoning, deductive reasoning, and analytical thought. Something all Christians sacrifice when they choose to believe the Delusion of the God Hypothesis." — Arakish

Of course, this would imply to search other web sites besides those religious apologia sites. Quit searching for the knowledge that does nothing but feed your comfirmation bias.

mailman: "Agreed on the apologetics websites with an exception. If they are heavily cited, then I don't see a problem since they are getting their information from possible non-apologetics sources."

However, look for where those citations come. Those citations are ALL other religious apologia papers and/or the Bible. None ever get their data from non-apologia sites except to "quote mine."

There are some sites which allow free access to true scientific journal articles/papers. I don't know them because I get free access through my job at a site that you have to pay a hefty sum to access.


David Killens's picture
Yea, I start at the beginning

Yea, I start at the beginning (page 1, genesis) and read to the end (last page). All books are laid out that way. You start chapter one, and read from there.

srpostma11's picture
I guess we will just have to

I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I will have to leave it at that.

On another note, I do want to encourage you to read the Bible with an open mind & heart when you get a chance. It has the potential to change your life. Take care.

Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mailman

@ Mailman

Yep and here we go..."I'll just ignore any facts, any scholars that hurt my confirmation bias. I'll just make stuff up and hope no one notices"

When you chuck names around like Pliny, Josephus, Tacitus and others make sure you have actually read the bloody things will you? That you actually have the timeline and context?

Yep, typical absolutist. No facts no evidence, plenty of assertions a few lies and boy we have a good christian. Dang I wish I was that false.


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