Genesis 37:4 - Genesis 50:26, any issues?

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AUS-LGBT's picture
Genesis 37:4 - Genesis 50:26, any issues?

In the chapters: Josephs Dreams, Joseph Sold by his Brothers, Joseph and Potiphars Wife, The Cupbearer and the Baker, Pharaohs Dreams, Joseph in Charge of Egypt, Josephs Brothers go to Egypt, The Second Journey to Egypt, A silver Cup in a Sack, Joseph Makes Himself Known, Jacob Goes to Egypt, Joseph and the Famine, Manasseh and Ephraim, Jacob Blesses his Sons, The Death of Jacob, Joseph Reassures his Brothers and The Death of Joseph I was wondering if there is any inconsistencies or moral dilemmas? Like the only ones I can think of is the father picking favourites, the brothers selling their brother into slavery and no justice is had for it and Joseph almost makes the youngest brother a slave even though he wasn't apart of him being put into slavery.

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Tin-Man's picture
Hey there, Little Lady. I
AUS-LGBT's picture
Good thanks :) I got a lot of
Cognostic's picture
Joseph and the Technicolor
arakish's picture
Ah. The story that leads


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AUS-LGBT's picture
Aw thanks for that! that was
Nyarlathotep's picture
You can get a good start here
arakish's picture
In a dumb ass sort of way, I
AUS-LGBT's picture
Thanks that was really
Cognostic's picture
Thought I posted Bart Eherman
srpostma11's picture
AUS-LGBT - The Bible is full
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Mailaman
AUS-LGBT's picture
That was an interesting point
srpostma11's picture
AUS - LGBT - I was hoping you
srpostma11's picture
I also want to add the link


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arakish's picture
@ mailman and AUS-LGBT
srpostma11's picture
arakish's picture
mailman: "Regarding bibviz
Nyarlathotep's picture
mailman - Why are so many
Nyarlathotep's picture
mailman - https://www
David Killens's picture
AUS-LGBT's picture
Oh yeah and I'm already a
Cognostic's picture
If you want to know about
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Cog
AUS-LGBT's picture
Sorry to disappoint but that
srpostma11's picture
I am now curious. Why do you
AUS-LGBT's picture
"I am now curious. Why do you
arakish's picture
DarkMatter2525 did a video on
arakish's picture
Here it is
AUS-LGBT's picture
Thanks for that :) I haven't
srpostma11's picture


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