Friend vs creationist friend

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Derockus's picture
Friend vs creationist friend

I've got a childhood friend that is willing to argue "creationist" science with me. What are the best sites to stock up on verbal ammo? He's a full on young earther by the way

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xenoview's picture
Try iron chariots website at

Try iron chariots website at

LogicFTW's picture
I could use a site that has

I could use a site that has good verbiage but the idea that the earth is only 6 to 7k years old is so ridiculous, you can pick nearly any scientific study and trap them into basically saying something along the lines of: "all of science is fake, but I use science everyday."

There is so much supporting evidence that the earth is billions of years old, that to refute it, is to dismiss the findings of science entirely.

One argument I like:
Nearly everyone has a smart phone, turn yours on and enable the gps, so it can find you on a map, usually within a few feet. Use google maps, turn on satellite images. Sure enough, it will be accurate within a few feet, on that street corner, or building you are in. That is science. Science that relies on things like the speed of light in a vacuum, time relativity to work. (They have to compensate for the relativity of time to keep gps satellites clocks in sync to keep accuracy within a few feet, instead of being off by 100'a of feet within a few years of spinning in earths orbit at 1000's of miles faster than we are moving.) These ideas are built off of the speed of light. There are millions of stars and galaxies and star clusters etc. that observation tells us are a lot farther than 6000 light years away.

Both versions of genesis says god created everything in 6 earth days, or basically at the same time. So why is there galaxies/stars etc that have been around for billions of years? To refute that is to refute the science behind the smartphone you use everyday.

Plus of course the huge pile of other evidence that our planet is roughly 2 orders of magnitude older than then a book written hundreds of years ago says it is.

Of course creationist and young earthers are forced by their insane bible to defend the idea that the earth is only 6-7k years old. If they didn't they would have to admit to their book of god has a giant obvious flaw in it. Also the idea of their god gets increasingly more ridiculous when their god, created the universe, waited around 10 billion years, created, earth, waited around 5 billion years, got super involved for a few centuries to a tiny segment of the population on a small part of the earth, then went into hiding. Sounds ridiculous and worse yet gives a lot of credence to the evolution theory, (lots and lots of time.)

ImFree's picture
Here are two websites you

Here are two websites you might find helpful.

You might also enjoy watching small segments on common apologetic topics debated during phone calls on the Atheist Experience call-in show. There are several Youtube channels that mirror the most entertaining calls so you do not have to watch an entire show if you do not want. Here is one such channel called Madalyn Murray O'Hair's Axp Fav's:

Click on “video” at the top of the page of the channel since the Atheist Experience call sections are not on the front page.

Matt Dillahunty loves to debate callers on the morality of slavery. You might find his segments on those calls instructive as well as entertaining.

chimp3's picture
The best ammo is "The Book of

The best ammo is "The Book of Genesis" !

BryanStephen's picture
The best source i can think

The best source i can think to be honest is youtube. There are plenty of good atheist youtubers, better yet, they're all short, sweet, and to the point. My favorite are the atheist voice, jaclynglenn, and tj kirk

MCDennis's picture
Creationist science. LOL

Creationist science. LOL

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