Free will is delusion

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Yousef zam's picture
Free will is delusion

I'm quite unsure of whether we get to choose our own thoughts, words, fate or not? Science suggests that we are only aware of a tiny fraction of information that our brains function in each moment. We are definitely not aware of the neurons that predate our consciousness of a coming physical or mental activity. In other words, neuroscientists can detect an activity in your brain ahead of time before you find out yourself that you've decided to move or do any other activity. They get to catch the thought before it enters the consciousness region. All of our behavioral changes can be linked to biological events upon we have zero conscious knowledge. there is something inside of your head motivating certain set of nerve cells and enzymes to come into existence and in turn create a certain thought into your head?

Looking forward to hear ideas across the room.

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Nyarlathotep's picture
When someone tells me I don't
Yousef zam's picture
Can I ask you a question? Why
Yousef zam's picture
tyese are the kind of
Travis Hedglin's picture
You are right about the fact
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
I guess if you wish to
Yousef zam's picture
true story and that's why
Yousef zam's picture
There is an infinitely number
mysticrose's picture
But, we are free to decide
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
As far as genetics go, I
Yousef zam's picture
Perhaps Freewill is a
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
An other aspect that has been
Yousef zam's picture
That's an excellent point and
Jeff Vella Leone's picture
You do not need to fall for
Valiya's picture
I believe there is free will,
Yousef zam's picture
Well I am definitely obliged
Valiya's picture
Exactly... that's what i am
That's A Fallacy's picture
I agree with Valiya on that
Valiya's picture
Logical Fallacies
Michee's picture
i think free will exist but
John Davies's picture
We have an illusion of Free

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