Fire SHOT! Muhammad Marrying a 6 Years Old & Having 11 Wives!
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“It might be a play on words...”
Ok, now I know. You choose to avoid precision with your wording. I’ll accept that and just understand that further research is needed when reading your posts.
The good thing is that when another poster researches an issue and then presents a viewpoint our collective knowledge increases. So now we know that most, if not all, societies around the world and throughout history have tolerated or approved of child marriages for a number of reasons. We also know that people around the world in all societies are working very hard to eliminate the practice from their midst.
Now, if anyone can find any society that didn't engage in child marriage that would be a welcome addition to our collective knowledge base.
LOL - Really funny shit. @Diotrephes DID YOU FORGET WHERE YOU ARE?
"The Jewish Babylonian Talmud had whole essays on how to rape two and three year-olds. They even say that King David knocked up Bathsheba when she was 6 years old. The Bible has several stories about how guys such as Moses engaged in baby raping. People think that he was a swell guy. Some Catholic priests spend decades raping kids. And 12 year-olds can get married in America today."
You are comparing Islam to Christianity. There is not an Atheist on this site who does not hold the same opinion of the Prophet Muhammad and Allah as they do of the Christian Trinity. This is the most moronic argument anyone could have posed. God raped Mary when she was 12. What's your point? We are in complete agreement. Religions are shit! God ordered the killing and rape of children. God ordered women's stomachs to be sliced open and their unborn babies thrown onto rocks. And while the soldiers did that they were to be happy!
WHAT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND ABOUT ATHEISM. Atheists do not believe in gods. Anti-theists
a subset of atheists who are against all religions are 100% in agreement with you. ALL RELIGIONS ARE SHIT!
@Cognostic We would love if you credit back or quote the part you are referring to from the book as this might be a little confusing to some here!
Just to clear up what you said about "women's stomach being sliced open..." that was only back in Pharaoh's period where he heard from his consultants there will be a new born that will end your era! I get that you are pretty ANGRY at religious people and i don't blame you but the more you hate them the more stronger they become. Let's give them a piece of our minds and educate their lack of knowledge.
Take my brother for instance! He used to believe in so many things and every now and then i talk to him about this stuff! Guess what? He start agreeing with me in most parts. NOT there yet to admit that he lived his life in a lie but he will someday.
My job is not to YELL or HATE people for what they've done. Religions are to blame! and it's just a way to make people feel happy and give them a reason to live in hope for the eternity life in the other life.
Those are some interesting observations but they are not exactly supported by evidence.
For instance, there's zero evidence that Mary was 12 when she was knocked up. Knowing the Jewish practice of child marriage she could have been betrothed when she was a toddler. And since King David is reported to have knocked up Bathsheba when she was 6 the same could also apply to Mary.
Technically God didn't knock Mary up. The Holy Spirit did it.
Matthew 1:18 (NKJV) = "18 Now the birth of Jesus Christ was as follows: After His mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the Holy Spirit."
The story can get confusing because of the Trinity thing = God, the Holy Spirit, and Jesus. Yeshua (Jesus) is supposed to be the son of Yahweh but the Holy Spirit, who isn't really Yahweh or Yeshua, snatched some of Yahweh's sperm and used to to inseminate Mary. It's a weird story.
What's even weirder is the Jewish Babylonian obsession with sex. It has all kinds of rules about it. The amazing thing is that it didn't all get incorporated into the Bible. It should be rated 7XXXXXXXXX.
And we agree that all religions are bat shit crazy but some are a lot crazier than others. Thank goodness that we don't have to live with ancient Israelites.
Why couldn't Muhammad have done something less objectionable? For example, masturbated over a koran or a dead pig?
@Sapporo He would've made it a lot easier for everyone! LOL
Some out there trying to justify Muhammad marrying Aisha at the age of six, LOL
Seriously what is wrong with PEOPLE? "SCRATCHING MY HEAD."
When i look at the age of Muhammad when he married Aisha, I'm like! HOLY SHIT Muslims must be really really dumb that they can't even see it and always trying to justify it whenever it's brought up.
If muslim women don't care about their young girls why should I concern myself with it?
@Diotrephes Damn son! You don't get it do you? This is not just about the mother this is about the CHILD! They can't make decisions for themselves and they end up being rapped by old men's. They have to obey their parents and religion orders or face the consequences.
If you don't wanna get involved you shouldn't be here in the first place!!
Shit Diotrephes, that is cold.
How would you feel if you got married off to some old man when you were 12, to be sexually molested against your will, only to have some person that has no idea what it is to be you to say: "Well your mom did not care, so I should not care either."
I Salute You!
If I had the mind that I have now I would gut all of them like fish and stick their heads up their asses. But if I was a 12 year-old girl raised by idiots I wouldn't know a damn thing and would end up doing the same thing to my daughter that my ignorant parents did to me. That's how shit flows in the real world.
So in today's world people are exposed to new ideas and they become aware of what's acceptable behavior in the modern world. Consequently, as I pointed out in another post on this issue, people around the world are actively trying to bring such idiots into the 21st Century but it's a difficult thing to do.
It doesn't do me any good to get pissed off about other people's ignorant behavior. Otherwise it would be like the Old Testament deity flipping out and wanting to go Zephaniah 1:2-3 on their asses.
So the bottom line is if they don't care why should I? They can change their behavior if they want to. This is not the 6th Century B.C.
You as a ~60 pound 12 year old girl (or boy) are going to gut a 200+ pound adult man at 12?
Gee I wonder why that that almost never happens?? (Cases of 12 year old girls or younger gutting adults that molest them.)
If little kids getting sexually molested does not piss you off about peoples ignorant behavior, what does?
@Diotrephes You should educate yourself more since you have trouble understanding what this is all about! As @LogicForTW said "If little kids getting sexually molested does not piss you off about peoples ignorant behavior, what does?"
You can't just walk away from this! This might get to your kids someday or grand kids or someone close to you.
The more you ignore it the more it spreads all over the world. And it's common in Muslim countries for such an innocent CHILD to get married at an early age.
Child marriage has been common throughout history in all cultures. It's still common although more people than ever are actively trying to end it. Brazil isn't a muslim country and it's very common there. I would say that it's more of a human behavior than a religious one although a lot of religious nuts encourage it.
Out of the 117 countries (including the US) that allow child marriages doesn't the Hindu country of India lead the world?
I made an animated documentary on the life of Muhammad it is named in honor of his relationship with Aisha.
To Catch A Prophet -