The fear of Hell for children.

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Matthew Redbeard Farquhar's picture
The fear of Hell for children.

I've been an atheist for about three years now. I'm 31 and I grew up in a very religious Christian cult. Where fear of hell was very prominent. Since I've discovered my identity and brains and became atheist I'm now dealing with the same situation with my 8 year old daughter.

I'm the only atheist in my family. Two parents who are divorced and 5 brother and sisters. I have allowed in the past to let my daughter to go to church with them because she loves being with them and seeing her cousins, who also.attend the church. I allowed this, because I wanted my daughter to make her own mind up. I did however, explain to her that Jesus and what the bible says is only something her family believes in and is not the truth. And I teach her science and evolution (Richard Dawkin' s book The Magic of Reality was a big help) and tell her this is what we know to be true.

One afternoon she came home from church and asked to talk to me. She had said her Sunday school teach had told her she must believe in Jesus or go to hell and burn. This angered me to know end and I told it was not true and they used that to scare people into believing what they did. It was a big topic for her because her mother died a few years back of an accidental drug overdose. And I've been delicately dancing around the topic, for I don't believe in heaven or hell and she knows that.

I guess what I'm getting at is if anyone may have any help they can offer in a such a tender situation I'd appreciate it. I want what's best for my daughter and don't want her living in constant fear as I did growing up.

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Chey97.'s picture
I grew up in a Christian home
efpierce's picture
This is a tough spot for
Pathway Machine's picture
I believe in giving children,
Zaphod's picture
I think you already did the
Matthew Redbeard Farquhar's picture
Thank tiny all for your
sarahevanston's picture
I think today's children need
SammyShazaam's picture
Personally, I'd rather my
Hamlet's picture
Prison is a real thing. Being
SammyShazaam's picture
Lol, I've seen plenty of
ginamoon's picture
I do not think it is proper
Pathway Machine's picture
I agree, completely. Its
SammyShazaam's picture
That's really interesting. I
CyberLN's picture
Matthew, you're a good parent
mattyn's picture
I agree with CyberLN, you
Hamlet's picture
Even the best and most
SammyShazaam's picture
If I had to choose, I'd want
Hamlet's picture
In the really olden days,
Zaphod's picture
You mean,.... they had to do
efpierce's picture
Exactly! They had to get up
CyberLN's picture
There are both kids who
efpierce's picture
This could become one of
SammyShazaam's picture
Control is overrated :)
Zaphod's picture
Well said Sammy! Who is fit
CyberLN's picture
My first instinct was to

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