Is this the face of god/satan, or has Donald just done something new with his hair?
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Trumpolini... Il Douche.
I happen to vote for Donald Trump I like his style, you see things will get done under his leadership.
I KNEW IT! You like the style of a person that didn't pay his employees. That denigrated muslims, Latinos, Blacks and thinks women are nothing but sex objects. A man that committed TREASON by encouraging Russia to commit espionage against the USA. A man the cheated customers with his so-called Trump University. A man that LIES pathologically. Yeah, I get it. You venerate that style because it's YOUR style.
Trump didn't believe Obama was born in the USA. He denied that Russia invaded the Crimea. He claimed he saw muslims cheering when the World Trade Center fell. He denigrated the family of a veteran that gave his life for this nation. He won't show his tax returns, because he has never paid taxes. He assisted in voter supression and then turns around and claims voter fraud because he lost the popular vote big time! Trump mocked a person just because that person had a disability.
Trump is pathetic! You are pathetic!
"That denigrated muslims, Latinos, Blacks and thinks women are nothing but sex objects."
Well Islam is a problem. I honestly don't know why Trump bashes Hispanics so much. That I agree with you on. I don't know when he denigrated blacks. And I don't know what makes you think Trump views women as sex objects. I agree with the rest of your analysis though. Don't forget that he's a protectionist. That's a point against him as well.
As far as muslims go, Trump is falling into the trap that terrorist set. Muslims aren't terrorist. Terrorist are using religion to recruit and cause non-muslims to fea rALL muslims. ISIL are not fighting a holy war, they would like to but they are not fighting for Islam. The majority of muslims are not terrorist. Just like most Mexicans, even illegal aliens are not gang members.
Of course you do. I would have bet money on this being true
Oh I have no doubt that is true...
Yeah - Hitler said that in 10 years no one would recognize Germany, too. He was right.
"And I don't know what makes you think Trump views women as sex objects."
We have his own reprehensible words on tape which I refuse to reprint here.
I'm not. These are the most famous recorded sexist comments from trump. They are reprehensible:
"I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there, and she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything."
"I'm automatically attracted to beautiful [women]—I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
I don't believe in gods or devils.
I never have liked Trump. I will not go so far as to compare him to God, Satan, Mussolini, or Hitler. More like Nixon on steroids. When he starts flashing peace signs we will know he is secretly bombing Cambodia.
I just thought the POTUS should have someone in charge of making sure he doesn't get photographed against backdrops that make him look like he has wings growing out of his shoulders. Poor Donald isn't very good at looking dignified at the best of times. In this shot he looks like a pagan priest in a 1950s B movie.
Dump trump. Too soon to impeach the Ooompaloompa in Chief?