Expectations of a theistic world view

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TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Expectations of a theistic world view


I am up bright and early and pondering many questions, such as, "why am I awake so damned early?!" pahhahaha!

But on a serious note, I wondered the following:

If the theistic world view was true, so that there was an all powerful, all knowing deity........ would we expect miracles?

Would it not make far more sense to be told something transending!

I would be far more swayed if there was a document that demonstrated what dark energy/matter was exactly and how to go about proving it.

Having miracles as a bedrock, simply makes the notion more unbelievable.

Alas, this was just a fleeting ramble whilst I try to increase my caffeine intake to preposterous proportions :P

Have a splendid day.

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Randomhero1982's picture
That's a fair point, I've
Sheldon's picture
Well when I see the religious
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reinathorn's picture
Hello! I have a deep passion
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Hi everyone. Highroller
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