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Sheldon's picture

Here it is then, this thread is for theists and the religious to demonstrate the best objective evidence they have for the existence of any deity.

Any logically fallacious arguments will be called, and Hitchens's razor will be applied as and when it is appropriate. Please be concise and don't resort to flimflam or vapid verbiage that leads nowhere. The first person to suggest I need to learn ancient Aramaic will be asked politely to leave. The idea an omniscient deity is also a monoglot is too stupid an idea to waste time on.

Off you go...our eternal souls are at stake...allegedly.

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algebe's picture
Jesus must be real because 2
Tin-Man's picture
@Algebe Re: Does that
Tin-Man's picture
Oh, Sheldon, hope you don't
algebe's picture
And of course, god must be
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
You're right! And when you
algebe's picture
@Old man shouts: "you cut in
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Ever since Joh and his
LogicFTW's picture
I know it was a week ago, but
Sheldon's picture
"God is real and the bible is
Tin-Man's picture
calhais's picture
As a side note, though "mommy
Sheldon's picture
"Jesus must be real because 2
BigE4933's picture
Sorry, but I have the real
Sheldon's picture
Big E "Sorry, but I have the
Tin-Man's picture
@Big E Re: "Just who do
Sapporo's picture
God can't exist, because God
Grinseed's picture
George Pell once boasted he
Sheldon's picture
Excellent post, except he was
Sheldon's picture
Ironically if Pell's beliefs
algebe's picture
@Grinseed: "without a god
Tin-Man's picture
Hey, if God had his only son
Tin-Man's picture
Sorry, Sheldon. A little off
Sheldon's picture
That's ok, I think we're off
Sky Pilot's picture
If Jesus wasn't real whose
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Footprints
Sky Pilot's picture
Tin-Man's picture
@Dio Re: Burning bush
jonthecatholic's picture
Define "evidence". Does it
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
The evidence depends on the
jonthecatholic's picture
It’s no fossil as it’s still


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