Easy ways to prove to a thiest about the non-existence of god

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pokefan0047's picture
Easy ways to prove to a thiest about the non-existence of god

While thiests are trying to prove the existence of God, why should we stop?
We too should have our own questions to ask them to trick them.
So let's think of innovative ideas to prove to them the reality.
My question to a thiest - (dialogue form)
Thiest: If you are athiest, then proove me the non existence of god!
Me: Ok I agree that I can't. But if you are thiest, then proove me the existence of god!
Thiest: how should I proove it to you? (since he can't!)
Me: Well, there is only one way.
Make me meet god. I want to take a selfie with him. Or tell me a way to meet him.
I'll try that way with full devotion.
Note that if that way doesn't work, then iam gonna kick you, irrespective of the place where you are!!

This was my idea!!!
What about you whoever is reading this ??
Comment below!!!

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Sapporo's picture
Unless a theist can provide a
wgusapukc's picture
The concept of god is not one
Dave Matson's picture
RANJEET's picture
well when theists start
wgusapukc's picture
Ranjeet, remember they are no
ZeffD's picture
As many Christians reject the
wgusapukc's picture
Absolutely, remember the
MysticCrusader's picture
They know there is no real
watchman's picture
@Pokefan 0047.....
wgusapukc's picture
I agree but I think you are
Scott Harrod's picture
Let me ask you this. If you
mykcob4's picture
Stupid analogy Scott. It made
Scott Harrod's picture
I apologise if this comes up
mykcob4's picture
@Scott H.
Dave Matson's picture
Scott H.,
algebe's picture
@ Scott H: 1 said you would
Dave Matson's picture
Scott H.,
Kataclismic's picture
Only a fool plays any of
wgusapukc's picture
Good point Scott H, it seems
Nyarlathotep's picture
Scott H - If you were to
chimp3's picture
Easy peezy, lemon squeezy! We
wgusapukc's picture
Exactally, whether there is a
Scott Harrod's picture
I ask this, because there are
Sapporo's picture
How do you know that any god
Scott Harrod's picture
We believe through faith.
mykcob4's picture
@Scott H. You said:"What
Sapporo's picture
I believe something based on
Sapporo's picture
@Scott H. your argument omits


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algebe's picture
@ Scott H. I ask this,
Tin-Man's picture
@Scott H. Re: "I ask this,


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