Easter, Bloody Easter!

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bigbill's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
Sheldon's picture
This is the problem, Billy
bigbill's picture
Sheldon you have no argument
Sheldon's picture
I've been specific Billy, but
bigbill's picture
Well fellow atheist like greg
mickron88's picture
nope ..still won't buy it..
Sheldon's picture
faith in God fo..."read my
Sheldon's picture
That's a newspaper article
Sheldon's picture
"Tell me and please list my
bigbill's picture
Here it is objective evidence
Sapporo's picture
How is babby Jesus formed?
bigbill's picture
It was a supernatural in
Sheldon's picture
I believe he was looking for
algebe's picture
@faith in god It was a
Sky Pilot's picture
faith in God fo....
Sheldon's picture
That one is called a straw
bigbill's picture
bigbill's picture
here is objective and
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Fig
bigbill's picture
Well you didn`t address his 2
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Billy
algebe's picture
@Faith in God:
Sky Pilot's picture
faith in God fo...,
Sheldon's picture
>>Try again Billy, the Kalam
bigbill's picture
Well what he is stating here
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
bigbill's picture
tell me where in the bible is
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
bigbill's picture
It is in the book of Samuel


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