Easter, Bloody Easter!

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chimp3's picture
Easter, Bloody Easter!

Once again, Christians are preparing to celebrate the torture and murder of Jesus and thank him for submitting to this blood sacrifice. I, for one, find this event and its religious meaning heinous in its entirety.

The idea that a father would torture and murder his own son because the neighbors kids misbehaved is deplorable.

The idea that someone who has committed a crime against me is now forgiven by a third party. I am a forgiving, easy going person and I reserve that right to myself. To hell what some mythical scapegoat has to say about it.

Believing that a murder victim rose from the dead asks of me to be a gullible fool. Believing he flew up into the clouds is silly.

Then, the closing act of the Christian narrative will have this celestial zombie returning with a vengeance. All of the hard earned accomplishments of humanity destroyed. All suffering death except "true" Christians. Then the establishment of a necrocracy. One in which the only requirement of what is left of humanity will be to worship their king without ceasing. This is the apocalypse story I grew up with. Silly predictions about getting microchip implants or tattoos with the number 666. Silly tales like the "Left Behind" book series.

Perhaps I am cynical, but for sheer horror show imagery this fairy tale beats anything the Brothers Grimm or Stephen King dreamed up.

You Christians can celebrate your favorite horror fiction. I, for one, will be celebrating springtime this April Fools Day. Blooming trees, songbirds, Irises.

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Randomhero1982's picture
We love Easter in the UK, not
Sheldon's picture
True dat, and I get to feed
CyberLN's picture
Easter is all about the bunny
mickron88's picture
i thought its all about the
CyberLN's picture
Let’s meet in the middle...it
Tin-Man's picture
chimp3's picture
Easter in my home has always
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Chimp Nom nom de nom nom...
xenoview's picture
Cadbury bunny!
Sapporo's picture
Pro tip: the best time to
Tin-Man's picture
Jesus is coming! Hide the
mickron88's picture
my favorite story for Lenten
CyberLN's picture
On the serious side, I concur
chimp3's picture
What is more sinister about
Grinseed's picture
No paid leave. I grumble with
Cognostic's picture
Yea, I'll give you all that,
Tin-Man's picture
mickron88's picture
have you watched the movie


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chimp3's picture
Very freaky!
mickron88's picture
yeah tell me about it...
mykcob4's picture
Easter is the hijacking of
CyberLN's picture
The summer solstice is not
xenoview's picture
Easter was a pagan holy day.
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ CyberLn & Myk
CyberLN's picture
Thx old man!
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ CyberLN and Mykcob
mykcob4's picture
Thank you old man.
jonthecatholic's picture
I find this thread painful to
Tin-Man's picture
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ TM


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