Dont be to quick to be a none believer

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Travis Hedglin's picture
"Objective morality (the

"Objective morality (the standard set by God who is good) exists with or without our knowledge of immorality. If we were speaking of subjective morality (as what you are describing), then your above point makes sense."

You are still not recognizing that all it takes for morality to be subjective, is for it do depend on something. Any being, including your deity, is a subjective object. Ergo, any morality it dictates would be subjective to itself. Your gods morality is just as subjective as Hitlers morality, as it is dependent on its perspective and ideals, so you have a very flawed idea of what objective morality is. You contend that gods morality is objective, because it does not rely on individual whims and ideals, but it is; and the only difference is the individual. Or the idea is that it is objective because Christians choose to value this external code en mass, but that is no different than law or society, as it would still only be the will of the majority that sets morality. Hence, your argument has no teeth, and even less bark.

"I can't win on this one. If I say to look at the larger context of the verse/passage and study the original Hebrew text, history and culture of the time when it was written, I will be making the bible say whatever it is I want it to say. However, one can also make the opposing argument. If I take a verse and read it at face value (as you have done with Exodus 32:14), not taking into account it's overall context including translation variations from original Hebrew, culture, etc. I can also make scripture say whatever it is that I want it to say."

Nice "rubber your glue" argument. The fact of the matter is that the bible never states that it was a test, only apologists are, and for speculative reinterpretation at best. It never really implies it was a test, unless one decides to read it in there. Either the bible means what it says, or it doesn't and the whole thing is not a reliable source of information, you CAN'T have it BOTH ways.

"I disagree that every single detail of a plan has to be set in stone for it to be a perfect plan. If that were the case, we would not have free will, but as you stated merely actors in a grand play that's already been predetermined."

That is the paradox. The ONLY way to have a plan that is perfect and inviolable, is to account for ALL variables, but he can't without making actions predestined. Therefore, there cannot be a plan and free will, period. You can't have it both ways, if Joe's choices can force the plan to change, then it isn't a thorough or certain plan; but merely an uncertain outcome.

"This presumes God is not dealing with the world now."

No, it only presumes that god allows some suffering for the sake of his plan. It does not require, but rather needs god not to, remain passive in inaction. If god IS acting, but still allows all of what we see, then he is EVEN MORE culpable.

"This statement assumes that because suffering and death are in the world now (as a result of Satan)..."

Which is also because of god.

"...and that God is not dealing with the world on our human timeline, then He is not good or just."

Well, dealing with it on our timeline is only necessary if one gives a flying shit about human suffering. If not, then it isn't necessary, because humans and their timelines don't mean anything to it.

"God can take care of sin in the world right this instant if He wanted too."

The fact that it doesn't, says quite a bit about it, and its desires.

"I would prefer His plan over that one as there are many that would not be with Him now if he did."

If he could not do it in a way that could redeem all people, then it isn't omniscient or omnipotent. Gods own supposed characteristics contradict itself.

"I believe it's wrong to assume that just because He hasn't administered ultimate justice yet, that He never will."

I believe it's wrong to call the system he has put in place justice. Justice is also about fairness and a punishment fit for the crime, something your god has apparently little concept of. Infinite punishment for finite crimes is inherently not just, it is actually unjust, and you will find it rather hard to make a case to the contrary.

"Adam was a man and not a child."

He was as ignorant of right and wrong as any child.

"He understood the concept of obedience where an 18 month old child would not. God gave Him a choice - obey God or don't obey God."

A. Before gaining the knowledge of good and evil, it would have been utterly impossible to understand disobedience as "wrong", as that is a moral judgement that such knowledge is needed to make in the first place. It is another paradox.

B. It is very telling that your gods standard of perfection is ignorant amorality.

C. My son has disobeyed on a number of occasions, I have never treated him with the wanton cruelty and injustice with which your god seeks to treat his children. You people need a new dad, one that will really not abuse you, so you can recover from the massive Stockholm syndrome you appear to be suffering.

"It seems that we are just rehashing our different perspectives, but a relationship with God will always be an act of faith."

Anything that requires faith alone to believe, doesn't deserve that faith.

"If you are waiting for definitive proof to begin believing, I don't think you'll find it. You will find evidence, but not proof."

Most of us haven't even found any evidence yet, just a lot of rhetoric and talking heads pretending we are awash in the imaginary evidence, but any investigation of such evidence determines that such people are merely asserting that it is evidence with no basis to do so.

"You also have the free will to choose not to believe."

No, actually, I don't. I don't choose what I have conviction in any more than I could choose what is real, one has to be convinced of a position BEFORE they can believe in it, and we don't choose what convinces us either.

"I will end my response with: Why not just try it?"

I did earlier, remember. We are still waiting on the results.

"Earnestly try to find God. Give it 30 days and try to earnestly, humbly and prayerfully put yourself into the shoes of a believer and ask God to reveal Himself to you."

No, I refuse to pretend to believe something I don't, that is dishonest and immoral. I was more than happy to pray, despite my lack of faith in prayer, and am fine with asking your god to reveal itself. I will not, however, do either myself nor your god the disservice of lying.

""Worst case, you'll lose 30 days of your life and bolster your own argument against God since you've earnestly attempted a faith in Christ."

Wrong. Most of the people here did just as you said, and yet still failed. It has done nothing, NOTHING, to convince believers that they are wrong. They merely state that we didn't have enough: faith, honesty, humility, of a open mind, of a open heart, conviction, will, effort, or all of the above. No matter what happens, I know that it will not move you one millimeter toward the mere idea that you are wrong, because I know believers already and have done this with them before.

No matter WHAT happens, whether I found a different god or died tomorrow, it would not make my argument any more capable of penetrating the cloak of crimestop believers protect themselves with.

"Best case, you'll discover a supernatural world and a gracious and merciful God you never knew existed."

Low chance, but I am open to it, if your god is willing or able to do his part. We shall see.

"Wherever you go and whatever you decide, I've enjoyed our thought-provoking discussion and wish you the very best."

I likewise enjoyed our discussion, even though we disagree, and hope for the very best for you and those you care about. May your god bless you.

heatherwc's picture
"Your gods morality is just

"Your gods morality is just as subjective as Hitlers morality, as it is dependent on its perspective and ideals, so you have a very flawed idea of what objective morality is."

Travis, you also stated in a previous post: "If god allows suffering, for his plan, then he is also responsible for it as well. Moreso, if he intentionally permisses it to be done specifically for his plan."

So my question is: How can God be responsible for suffering if His morality is subjective? Who or what decides what's suffering and not suffering?

Travis Hedglin's picture
"So my question is: How can

"So my question is: How can God be responsible for suffering if His morality is subjective? Who or what decides what's suffering and not suffering?"


: pain that is caused by injury, illness, loss, etc. : physical, mental, or emotional pain

sufferings : feelings of pain

The definition of suffering is not up to dispute, or even debate, so it is rather odd and telling that you would try to "argue" that no one can "decide what is" a feeling of pain. No, we both KNOW quite well what suffering is, and no one here would let anyone get away with such a slippery and nihilistic argument.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Most people discoursing on

Most people discoursing on this forum have probably read the bible several times, some more than you. So I would get of your high horse, heather, and stop pretending you are some moral authority that can judge the quick and the dead (or that your so called God can)

science's picture
"God has done amazing things.

"God has done amazing things. Take Paul in the new testament." Why do theists keep going back to the same bullshit writings f 3,000 years ago to try and prove a ridiculous about something new!!! I'm tired of hearing about the same "miracles" from thousands of years ago...we need several NOW...SHOW ME ONE NOW!!!

ThePragmatic's picture


Perhaps you didn't see my post at the end of this thread? It would be interesting to hear your reply.

heatherwc's picture
I just saw your comment and I

I just saw your comment as well as a few others that I would like to reply too. Since it's so late tonight, I will put together a thoughtful response tomorrow.

science's picture
Simply because they have been

Simply because they have been BRAINWASHED!! ( the second sentence of the last paragraph has your answer, they are "Evangelical Christians") It is unbelievable what people in this world will believe...thats how they get caught up in scams where they lose all their money, house, etc. All these "miraculous healings" you speak of are nothing but a scam, and gullible people like the theists will believe this kind of crap because they WANT to believe it!! How come these "healings" don't occur for EVERYBODY?? How about healing the sick children in parts of this world ( that God created) that are starving to death, and dying of about we start with THAT!!! There has been no God that has ever responded to their cries, and it certainly appears that no God ever will anytime soon. I have seen investigations conducted with the "healers" not knowing they were being watched...every one of them turned out to be a PHONY!!! ( same thing with psychics, card readers, people that contact the's all a sham, and has been PROVEN to be so going back hundreds of years!!) And if these "healing" were real, then God is a VERY PARTIAL bastard!!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!

heatherwc's picture
How come these "healings" don

How come these "healings" don't occur for EVERYBODY??

Reality, It's a difficult question even for Christians to understand why God allows death to happen. From a worldly perspective, it is not fair or right. However, God has an eternal perspective that we don't always understand. The miraculous healings I've described through various comments in this post all have one thing in common - the miracles are always done for God's glory usually to show His miraculous nature and unlimited power.

Because of sin in the world, from birth we are sinful beings and are automatically cut off from God as He is holy and cannot exist in the presence of sin. In other words, sin=death. That is why the gospel message is so powerful. Even though we were cut off from God because of our sin, He still loves us enough to make a pathway back to Him through His son Jesus Christ. He demonstrated through the resurrection of Jesus that all who accepted Jesus as their savior would live eternally with Him free of pain, sin and death. Not in some spiritual disembodied state, but in new physical bodies on a new restored earth. That is quite a promise!

This is what Christians are waiting for and what the Jews missed the first time around. We are waiting for Jesus to come again. Once He does, there will be a final battle with Satan and evil will be destroyed. Those who placed their faith in Christ will be made pure enough to come into the presence of God.

It would be nice to think that God would just heal everyone in one fell swoop, but our comfort and enjoyment in this world is not His purpose. It is to reconcile humanity to Himself. We're concerned about the now, He's concerned about the forever after this now.

I disagree that God has never responded to the cries of those who call upon Him. In fact, it's the opposite - He promises to answer every prayer of those who call upon Him. I can attest to this personally. While He doesn't always answer my prayers in the way I would like or in the time frame I would like, I marvel at how He does answer them. It's always in a way I was not expecting and so much better than I could have asked. Both Christians and non-Christians alike are not guaranteed an easy ride in this life. In fact,it's the opposite if you are a Christian. Jesus warned us that we would be hated because of Him, but to hang on because our reward is in heaven and on the new earth.

science's picture
When there is a logical

When there is a logical question that a theist has no sensible answer for, the response is "we don't know why God does this." As far as responding to prayers, I didn't say ANYONE that calls upon Him, I stated specifically the CHILDREN IN PARTS OF THIS WORLD THAT ARE DYING OF DISEASE AND STARVATION...WHERE IS THEIR GOD??!! This has been going on for centuries in the same parts of the world with NO RESPONSE FROM ANY GOD!! I challenge you to show me a SENSIBLE example of a God responding to those poor defenseless children...I guess they deserve to be born with cancer, ALS, and a host of hundreds of diseases that kids contract at BIRTH, after all, they are sinners, like the rest of us, right? Let this God show us a miracle...feeding all the starving kids in this world shouldn't be too large a task, there is plenty of food in this world... c'mon God, SHOW US A MIRACLE!! RIDICULOUS!!!

science's picture
I forgot to add the " old

I forgot to add the " old standby" excuse for theists when they can't answer a logical question...GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS... or GOD HAS A PLAN, AND WE DON'T KNOW WHAT IT IS. Either of those two will do...that explains EVERYTHING!! How messed up are these people!!!

Anonymous's picture
Stupid is as stupid does

Stupid is as stupid does-again

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
....................... why

....................... why would you cite as an intellectual authority a fictional character afflicted with mental retardation??

JDHalliday's picture
Don't you think it's a bit

Don't you think it's a bit arrogant to be "sure" about something that you absolutely cannot be sure of?

heatherwc's picture
Hi JD,

Hi JD,

I understand your perspective, but please understand my certainty isn't out of arrogance. Arrogance is self-importance and my belief doesn't serve to make myself feel important. I do however feel assured. As Christians, once we accept Jesus as our Savior, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit inhabits or possesses the believer's body (not unlike a demon possession - accept it is God's spirit). The Holy Spirit is considered a person in the trinity (which means God manifested in 3 persons). Without ever having experienced the Holy Spirit, it would be impossible for me to do it justice to how you as a person are changed on the inside.

You may have heard someone say "they've found Jesus" and now their changed - it is because of the Holy Spirit. It is an amazing gift from God as the Spirit produces love, joy and peace like a person has never known before. It is as if our beings were created with this giant hole and only when you have the Holy Spirit do you feel complete. This is why you see Christians willing to be killed for their faith in various parts of the world. Once you have this gift, you would rather die than give it up.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"The Holy Spirit inhabits or

"The Holy Spirit inhabits or possesses the believer's body"

It is called finding purpose in life.
It is a shame that you are being used and manipulated so easily.
Try finding purpose without the Jesus concept and you will truly be free of any self-importance.

Do something good regardless of what Jesus says and your happiness is 10 times fold.
Because you showed that you are a good person without the confusing guidance.

Sooner or later you will come to the same logical conclusion that what Jesus says is outright evil and created only to make you feel guilty of not being created perfect.(as if it is somehow your fault)

"Christians willing to be killed for their faith"
yeah, people have more suicidal tendencies if they are brain damaged enough to blindly believe that there is a next life.

How does that make them any different from suicide bombers and Muslims crashing planes into buildings "for their faith"?

heatherwc's picture
Jeff, if you don't believe in

Jeff, if you don't believe in God and do not have the Holy Spirit, how are you able to judge me for something you have not personally experienced? Finding a purpose in life is a what, but the Holy Spirit is a who.

"Do something good regardless of what Jesus says and your happiness is 10 times fold."

Jesus is the personification of goodness. Once He died on the cross, the Holy Spirit was released to reside in each believer until Jesus comes again. There is worldly happiness, and then there is the joy that one experiences through the Holy Spirit. It is not possible to grasp this on an intellectual level - only an experiential level in the same way it would be impossible to adequately describe a tree to someone blind since birth.

"Sooner or later you will come to the same logical conclusion that what Jesus says is outright evil and created only to make you feel guilty of not being created perfect.(as if it is somehow your fault)."

I am not sure what Jesus said that was outright evil, but you are correct in that none of us was born perfect. Man was created perfect as God is perfect, but because of sin, mankind was eternally separated from God. In other words, all of humanity since the fall of man was born with a one way ticket to hell. Those that have accepted Jesus as their Savior aren't perfect, we are sinners who have acknowledged our imperfection and the need for redemption. Without this acknowledgement, we are saying we have it within our own power to save ourselves which is not true. It is because of Jesus that we now have a pathway back to God. This world is fallen and without the saving grace of Christ, there is no hope for any of us. As for feeling guilty, guilt is not a fruit of the Spirit. The guilt didn't come from God.

"Christians willing to be killed for their faith - yeah, people have more suicidal tendencies if they are brain damaged enough to blindly believe that there is a next life." How does that make them any different from suicide bombers and Muslims crashing planes into buildings "for their faith"?

Good question, suicide bombers believe they are rewarded greatly for inflicting mass destruction and death - they seek martyrdom as a display of faithfulness to their God, Allah. Christians, by contrast are losing their lives refusing to forsake their salvation in Christ. That's a powerful difference. They understand that there is a life beyond this physical world and have placed their faith in the promises of God.

We don't see it much here in America, but in other parts of the world supernatural healings and miracles abound. Why? God does it to reveal His glory. It was the same way in Jesus' time. He healed the sick and lame, restored sight to the blind and raised the dead. He did it to reveal to his followers that He was the promised Messiah.


Travis Hedglin's picture
"We don't see it much here in

"We don't see it much here in America, but in other parts of the world supernatural healings and miracles abound. Why?"

Because almost everyone here has a cellphone and films almost everything? Because most of the people here have doctors who could check the efficacy of such healing? Can it only occur in remote places where it leaves behind nothing but utterly unverifiable stories?

Seems far more likely to me that it doesn't happen, at least not in the way described, or it would simply happen everywhere.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
"how are you able to judge me

"how are you able to judge me for something you have not personally experienced?"
Just because I have NOT experienced something personally, I am more qualified to make a rational judgment about it.
(according to your belief, god made us to think in this manner)
Do you need to be raped to judge the rapist?
And if you were raped, would you not be emotionally compromised to make a sound judgment?

Jesus is the personification of goodness.
BULLSHIT, prove it?

Just because they force you to say those words when you are a kid over and over again until you do not know any other words except those, does not make it the truth.

"Once He died on the cross"
BULLSHIT, he did not die, maybe his physical body died for a while, but he is back up after 3 days and now flying around!!!(according to the story)

"the Holy Spirit was released"
Why was he locked in the first place?
Ahh yes god needed to crucify himself(his son) to first learn to forgive people and then be able to release the Holy Spirit.
Please you need to come up with a less ridiculous horror story then this one, to make any sane person think that Jesus actually had a choice in the matter.

Seems to me Jesus is just a puppet in a play god has designed/planned and executed to the last detail.

"I am not sure what Jesus said that was outright evil, but you are correct in that none of us was born perfect."
Well you accept that god did not create us evil but you fail to see that Jesus DEMANDS us to be perfect regardless.
Love everybody like yourself.
Reality check:
we were created by god(actually nature) to love ourselves more.
Your heart does not pump for everybody but only for you.
That is how nature works.

Yet Jesus comes along and asks your heart to pump for everybody, knowing fully well that it is not possible, just to make you feel guilty of not being able of doing the impossible.
If that is not pure evil, you lost the ability to know what is evil.

Apart from coming to a country and heal only people he met to show off instead of actually help for real like removing all hunger from the world or at least share some basic medical knowledge.
When you see what he failed to do with all his power, what he did is clearly egoistic, sadistic and outright evil, that created warfare without end for who has the right interpretation to this very day.

"by contrast are losing their lives refusing to forsake their salvation in Christ."
by contrast are losing their lives refusing to forsake their present of Santa Claus.

Yes you sound that lame.

"In other words, all of humanity since the fall of man was born with a one way ticket to hell."
What kind of sick perverted being(god) would punish the son for the sins of his father?

"That's a powerful difference."
We agree the suicide bombers truly do believe, Christians can't believe enough to actually give EVERYTHING to the poor and LOVE THEIR ENEMY but being killed to get their present from god sooner is ok.

"Why? God does it to reveal His glory."
Nailed it.
To show off, not that he cares about the other suffering people that he could have helped without breaking a sweat.

heatherwc's picture
"the Holy Spirit was released

"the Holy Spirit was released" Why was he locked in the first place?"

He was not actually locked up, LOL. Prior to Jesus' death and resurrection, the Spirit would come upon people as God willed it. For example, in the life of Saul in the Old Testament - "When they came to there to the hill, there was a group of prophets to meet him; then the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them (1 Samuel 10:10)."

Once Jesus died, descended into hell and then rose from the dead the Holy Spirit was given to all believers (permanently living inside of them). This is the "baptism" that causes a person to be changed on the inside once they become a believer. They look the same outside, but they are permanently changed on the inside. The Holy Spirit was God's gift to all believers to remain with them until Jesus returns. It is a very powerful gift as your body no longer houses just your spirit, but God's Spirit as well.

"Ahh yes god needed to crucify himself(his son) to first learn to forgive people and then be able to release the Holy Spirit."

He didn't have to "learn to forgive" people. God is perfect, holy and just and cannot exist in the presence of sin. Once sin entered into the world, we were permanently cut off from Him. It is in God's nature that sin results in death (both physical and spiritual) as God does not change. Jesus' death satisfied the requirement of His law so that we could then be reconciled to Him.

"Seems to me Jesus is just a puppet in a play god has designed/planned and executed to the last detail."

In His plan, yes. A puppet? No. All human beings have free will. Otherwise, God would have created a bunch of robots. He made it so that we are free to choose Him or not choose Him.

"Well you accept that god did not create us evil but you fail to see that Jesus DEMANDS us to be perfect regardless."

Yes, God does demand perfection which is why we could never be reconciled to Him on our own. We were born imperfect. Imagine a perfect world created, sin enters it and a giant chasm develops with God and paradise on one side and all of humanity on the other destined for an eternity in hell because of our sins. Jesus is the bridge that reconciles you back to God's side. All believers are sinners, the only difference is they found the bridge.

"Reality check:
we were created by god(actually nature) to love ourselves more. Your heart does not pump for everybody but only for you.
That is how nature works."

How does nature create something from nothing?

"Yet Jesus comes along and asks your heart to pump for everybody, knowing fully well that it is not possible, just to make you feel guilty of not being able of doing the impossible. If that is not pure evil, you lost the ability to know what is evil."

Jesus doesn't ask your heart to pump for everybody. Knowing Jesus is a very personal relationship between the two of you. There is no guilt. The truth is you will never be able to do the impossible - which is be perfect. So, Jesus took the punishment for you. That is mercy, not guilt.

"Apart from coming to a country and heal only people he met to show off instead of actually help for real like removing all hunger from the world or at least share some basic medical knowledge. When you see what he failed to do with all his power, what he did is clearly egoistic, sadistic and outright evil, that created warfare without end for who has the right interpretation to this very day."

This argument presumes God is not dealing with humanity. I argue the opposite, that God has been "dealing" with humanity for the past several thousand years. What would happen if God decided in a blink of an eye to give us what we all deserved today? It is in His mercy that He is dealing with the sin of humanity in His own time. There is no question it is a fallen world, and suffering is part of the fallen world. God does not cause suffering, but He is dealing with it. For those who are reconciled to Him, He has promised an end to evil and a new restored earth without pain and suffering.

"In other words, all of humanity since the fall of man was born with a one way ticket to hell. What kind of sick perverted being(god) would punish the son for the sins of his father?"

Fair question. Once sin was released into the world, it is impossible to escape it. No one is born perfect. Sooner or later they will sin. That is why God had a plan from the very beginning to send Jesus as the bridge I mentioned in my earlier analogy. God is perfect and demands justice for sin. We live in a world where it is OK to change our mind, but God does not change. That's a good thing, since He could easily just change his mind about allowing us back into His presence.

"We agree the suicide bombers truly do believe, Christians can't believe enough to actually give EVERYTHING to the poor and LOVE THEIR ENEMY but being killed to get their present from god sooner is ok."

Now, you have a valid point here. There is much hypocrisy in the Church today. We know that through modern prophets within the Church today that God is not happy with the state of His Church (collectively all believers). We have entered into a time where America and the world by extension will see God's judgement as a result of our failure to do what we were called to do which is be the salt and light to those who don't know Jesus. The purpose of the judgement is not to punish the church, but to wake us up so that we do what we were called to do (as you mentioned it's failures above). As Christians, we are called to live in this world, but we are not to compromise with it as the world belongs to the enemy (Satan). God has promised through Jesus to conquer this existing world and replace it with paradise restored. That is the hope that Jesus brings to everyone on earth. It's a free gift that's available to anyone.

Jeff Vella Leone's picture
So much of what you say is

"He was not actually locked up, LOL. Prior to Jesus' death and resurrection, the Spirit would come upon people as God willed it."

It is good that you take it as humor, what is being said there is that "God willed it" = god did not release his spirit to everyone because he did not forgive whatever he thinks humans did to him.
Even that part is hazy, sin was engineered by god himself, to do just that purpose, humans have no fault, god engineered for it to happen in that way, he created humans in a way that they cannot avoid sin according to the christian theology.


So much of what you say is childish flawed reasoning that I do not know where to start.
It might take a thesis to properly address all the flawed assumptions/conclusion you make in every single sentence.

Let me just take the one that "seems" to have less confusion:

"Yes, God does demand perfection which is why we could never be reconciled to Him on our own. We were born imperfect. Imagine a perfect world created, sin enters it and a giant chasm develops with God and paradise on one side and all of humanity on the other destined for an eternity in hell because of our sins. Jesus is the bridge that reconciles you back to God's side. All believers are sinners, the only difference is they found the bridge."

At least you are honest about jesus demanding the impossible from us.
Usually most theists do not even get there.
So this is a progress of some sort.

Now what is the problem here :( :
"We were born imperfect." "Imagine a perfect world created"
You are assuming that we were originally created perfect where this is not true. Nowhere in the bible does it say that adam or eve were perfect. Because they were not perfect, they were fooled by the snake in the first place. This is something which was inserted into your head when you were a kid by force of repetition, it does not come from christianity but from the church.

"Yes, God does demand perfection which is why we could never be reconciled to Him on our own."
If he knows that we can't make it on our own, why does he demand it in the first place, why not jump straight to understanding our limitations and grant us the salvation based on those limitations.
Demanding the impossible on purpose is evil, no matter how you try to square it.

"sin enters it"
Who created sin in the first place?
"humanity on the other destined for an eternity in hell because of our sins. "
Our sins? didn't sin get introduced by god himself? from his mistake in creating sin?or making us so flawed that we can sin?

You cannot have it both ways, either god created something perfect(sin less) or something which makes sins.(not perfect)

It is so damn hard to find a sentence which is not contradictory in your entire post.

"Jesus is the bridge that reconciles you back to God's side."
So let me get this straight;
Before Jesus came along(100 000+ years), all innocent children and babies were sent to hell because god could not forgive the imperfect humanity(he created himself) for not being perfect(sinless)?

Do you know how absurd and evil that sounds?

"All believers are sinners, the only difference is they found the bridge."
we agree all believers are sinners, because god's demands are impossible to reach.
I could make you one now, imagine I am god because if I change the god word theist see more reason it seems.

I created you how you are and I make a condition:
Who cannot breathe in outer space has committed a sin to me(your god).
Thus all humans are sinners and deserve to be burned in hell(because I say so) until I send my son(which is also me).
Not to stop this very "JUST" JUDGMENT" of mine, but to give you a way to escape my punishment.
Just believe that My son EXISTS without doubt and without evidence or logic, and you are not sent to hell for not being able to breath in outer space(sin).
How merciful and just am I?

being able to breath in outer space is much more possible than loving everybody like yourself.
(just for your info)

My head hurts now, maybe later when I am more energetic, I might be able to dive into this sea of madness of post you made and explain it better.

Jeff-"What kind of sick perverted being(god) would punish the son for the sins of his father?"

"Fair question. Once sin was released into the world, it is impossible to escape it. No one is born perfect. Sooner or later they will sin."

So god punishes us, because HE created us sinners?

Head hurts again.

science's picture
In the words of the great

In the words of the great John Dawkins... "what father would subject his son to torture and crucifiction just to forgive everyones sins? why didn't he just forgive them...couldn't there have been a better way to do it?"

Alembé's picture
Hi Heatherwc,

Hi Heatherwc,

You say "the Spirit produces love, joy and peace like a person has never known before." I know what you mean. That is exactly how I felt about a year ago when, after a period of intense research and reflection, I realized that I really was an atheist and rejected any and all religious beliefs.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Heather, you do realize it is

Heather, you do realize it is actually incredibly difficult to make a legitimate case for Christianity?

heatherwc's picture
Vincent, it is not difficult

Vincent, it is not difficult at all to make a legitimate case for Christianity. I encourage you to read some of my other responses on this post. I am happy to answer any questions.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Your arguments would not hold

Your arguments would not hold in a court of law, let alone a scientific scrutiny

Anonymous's picture
Heatherwc-I understand you

Heatherwc-I understand your believe in the holy trinity is based on faith. Your arguments are ridiculous, stupid, lame moronic, flawed, dumb, pathetic, and foolish. But all the assholes who continue to debate your dumbness are ridiculous, stupid, lame, moronic, flawed, dumb, pathetic and foolish. Arguing about Adam and Eve and the talking snake is just silly. But debating Heatherwc about Jesus Christ and God being a trinity-and Jesus the Messiah becomes a spirit in the believers body. "Jesus is the personification of goodness." ONCE HE DIED ON THE CROSS, THE HOLY SPIRIT WAS RELEASED TO RESIDE IN EACH BELIEVER UNTIL JESUS COMES AGAIN.THERE IS A WORLDLY HAPPINESS AND THEN THERE IS JOY THAT ONE EXPERIENCES THROUGH THE HOLY SPIRIT." I have had enough of you idiots who continue to argue with "insanity" as if he deserves a response. All of you go "have a nice day"("What a really mean will get me banned "again". God Bless).

Nyarlathotep's picture
Heather - if you don't

Heather - if you don't believe in God and do not have the Holy Spirit, how are you able to judge me for something "you have not personally experienced?"

If you haven't murdered anyone yourself, how are you able to judge a murder for something "you have not personally experienced"?

science's picture
Forget it, it's useless...let

Forget it, it's useless...let him/her have their fantasy.

ThePragmatic's picture


I don't want to barge in your conversation with Travis, so I'm posting at the end of the tread instead.
Admittedly, I haven't read all your posts yet, so I hope I'm not repeating already asked questions.

You have a lot of arguments, many of which are standard arguments, like for example "how is there something from nothing".
To me, such a question is pointless, since the most honest answer is that we first of all don't even known for sure that there ever was "nothing". And if there at some point where "nothing", the most honest answer to the question is: I don't know.
If believers were honest, they would not claim to know. Without making the unjustified claim that "God is eternal", they have no better answer than "I don't know". But that is Okay, because we don't have to know.

There is a big difference in believing in something on the basis of evidence or on the basis of being most likely true, than it is believing in something "on faith".
The Big Bang theory is supported by a lot of observations, so it's the best model we have to explain the formation of the universe. No faith required.

As you wrote to Travis:

"I assume that while we approach God (or lack there-of) from very different viewpoints, that we are both interested in pursuing truth no matter where that truth leads us. Correct?"

But are you being honest here? If that truth would lead you to conclude that nothing of your beliefs in Christianity is true except for some historical events, would you accept that truth?

The real question(s) I want to ask believers is:
What is your belief based on? Is there something that has lead you to believe that specifically Christianity is true?


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