Dont be to quick to be a none believer

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Gary Jones's picture
Dont be to quick to be a none believer

HI All

I'm new to the forum but before I start I must tell you that I once had a wonderful experience which showed me what all of this is about, (our existence I mean) so I know there is somewhere we go after we die without a doubt.

Anyway I thought I would have a read of the Bible and sure enough in no time at all I could see that some geezer has written this book not a god, it only represents the era it was written in e.g. goats / dragons / bears feet / the face of a lion, There is no mention of guns, cars, satellite's, IPhone's, If a god had anything to do with book he would know how the future will turn out, so he may mention one of the Items like car or gun. I cant believe people fall for this book its so obvious to anybody its a story to keep the people in order.
What do you all think.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
Firstly, I think you will
Nyarlathotep's picture
Sadly personal experiences
science's picture
Afterlife? Going "somewhere?"
Gary Jones's picture
HI All
CyberLN's picture
cmallen's picture
Gary Jones's picture
How sad you pull that one on
ThePragmatic's picture
So... you believe in a soul
Gary Jones's picture
I did not say it was aliens,
ThePragmatic's picture
Neither did I, to be picky. I
Travis Hedglin's picture
Well, I really don't know
Kataclismic's picture
Sounds like some good mushies
Anonymous's picture
Travis, Pragmatic, CuberLn, C
ThePragmatic's picture
And you call me boring for
Gary Jones's picture
What a complete bonehead you
ThePragmatic's picture
Yes, I see. Hmm.
science's picture
Yeah, I guess we are the ones
Nordic Fox's picture
The skull, mandible, cervical
Gary Jones's picture
I cant believe what I am
Travis Hedglin's picture
" for going to different
Gary Jones's picture
Once upon a time I would have
Travis Hedglin's picture
"Once upon a time I would
Nyarlathotep's picture
doctor jones - "if it was a
Travis Hedglin's picture
As a former medical
Anonymous's picture
I can't take it anymore--
Nutmeg's picture
See, your Wartiness, this is
Gary Jones's picture
Have fun talking shite guy's
Travis Hedglin's picture
See, I specifically recall
Gary Jones's picture
No I Don't think I am special
Travis Hedglin's picture
Considering the language you


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