Do atheists presuppose the non-existence of God?

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horse's picture
Do atheists presuppose the non-existence of God?

Dear fellow atheist,

It's been a while since I don't post anything, but every once in a while, I access this forum to check what's new since I find it a very nice and comfy environment. Also, I feel comfortable in leaving my rants over my former religion.

I thank you guys for always helping me out.


Basically, I wanted to understand something that a friend of mine keeps saying. He is a Christian and an Old Testament teacher in a seminar.

He says that atheists "presupposes the non existence of God" as if it was the wrong position to assume. Well, I'm not even remotely close to be a philosophy expert (assuming this question belongs to this field), but I feel as if there's something wrong in the way he phrases it.

Would it be fair to say "yes, we do pressuppose God doesn't exist until such a time somebody presents evidence that shows otherwise. And if we don't take this position as default, then what else couldn't we pressuppose as existent (faires, unicorns, ghosts, leprechaun, etc)"?

Would you guys kindly elaborate on that?

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This is another of those
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It would not be a
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horse's picture
Hi Diotrephes,
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"If your friend teaches the
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@ HumbleThinker
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Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
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@ Dio
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@ Diotrephes and Old Man
HumbleThinker's picture
So I post something that
arakish's picture
HumbleThinker: "I’m sure you
Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
I love the patronizing tone.
Sky Pilot's picture
arakish's picture
Diotrephes: "Although the
Sky Pilot's picture
HumbleThinker's picture
I don’t agree.
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@Humble Thinker
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@Dio Re: Moses and the Ten
David Killens's picture
horse's picture
Thanks guys.


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