Did God cause the big bang? Thoughts?

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ætherborn98's picture
Did God cause the big bang? Thoughts?

So, no one (to my knowledge) has been in a time machine and went to the beginning, so it's impossible to know for sure that there was a big bang that created the universe.If there was a big bang, then there was obviously something around at that time, so what if, at the beginning of the universe, GOD caused the Big bang? Then, as thousands of years passed, He let the creation take place on it's own (unless He chose to intervene), and created everything we see today like that?


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algebe's picture
What caused the Big Bang? We
Deforres's picture
In the case of the big bang,
chimp3's picture
I have read physicists
Dave Matson's picture
A wise application of Occam's
mykcob4's picture
1) We have evidence of the
ætherborn98's picture
It was a hypothesis. And my
Deforres's picture
"It was a hypothesis."
Nyarlathotep's picture
wasn't it 6 days? lol
ætherborn98's picture
So I made a common mistake.
Nyarlathotep's picture
Well I should say your idea
Dave Matson's picture
2 Peter 3:8-9 seems to be a
ætherborn98's picture
To understand the reason for
mykcob4's picture
Big Bang is a theory. God is
Dave Matson's picture
ThePragmatic's picture
@ Hawk Flint
ætherborn98's picture
Imagine if we could get
ThePragmatic's picture
No, I would presume to say
ætherborn98's picture
When I said,"So I'm being
Deforres's picture
When you think about it,
ThePragmatic's picture
What about my question?
ætherborn98's picture
I believe in the Biblical God
Deforres's picture
Chapter 1
algebe's picture
How come this creation story
Dave Matson's picture
Or a telescope!
algebe's picture
I just searched through this
Deforres's picture
But then he realized he had
ætherborn98's picture
Do those HAVE to be in?
algebe's picture
Only if you want the Earth to
ætherborn98's picture
I meant that He didn't HAVE
algebe's picture
@Hawk Flint


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