In defence of Polygamy

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Deidre32's picture
If they are consenting adults
Steve Martin's picture
Just as we give our young
kc1253's picture
Generally, polygamy is one
algebe's picture
Polygamy is by definition one
Randomhero1982's picture
From an atheist position? I
Flamenca's picture
Polygamy and polyamorous play
cmallen's picture
"She concluded that in fact
cmallen's picture
Flamenca's picture
Hi, CM Allen. There were 4
cmallen's picture
Oh no, it doesn't upset me.
Flamenca's picture
Ah, okok. You're welcome!
Lea Stone's picture
I've been involved in
Emma2's picture
I believe in people being
Dr Professor's picture
I'm an atheist and I am 100%
Cognostic's picture
What mature consenting adults
Terminal Dogma's picture
Imo the best model of
Nyarlathotep's picture
Terminal Dogma - Imo the best
Sushisnake's picture
And here's it's bastard child
Terminal Dogma's picture
How does your mind make the
Sushisnake's picture
Sheldon's picture
"Generic leftists"
Terminal Dogma's picture
"@sheldon How would you feel
Sheldon's picture
Yet you continue to use such
Sushisnake's picture
Sheldon's picture
Let's face if we're talking
Terminal Dogma's picture
Some post mentioned polygamy
Sheldon's picture
Could you link the research
Terminal Dogma's picture
Which claim specifically, and
Sheldon's picture
You only made one claim in
Terminal Dogma's picture
Fact is less men have


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