In defence of Polygamy

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DazPetty's picture
In defence of Polygamy

I don't see anything morally or ethically wrong with people practicing polygamy or polyamory if they so choose and I don't see why so many atheists have spoken out against it, including the late Christopher Hitchins.

Atheists who hold strong perspectives against polygamy are like the atheists who argue in favor of there being a spirit or free-will behind every person, they are atheists who, whilst not believing in god or religion, still cling to a religiously motivated morality.

I'm interested to hear what people have to say about this, are you against polygamy? if so are you against polyamory? and what about gay marriage? civil unions that can form any mixture of genders or species?

I don't support marriage to animals, because animals can't pay tax or give written consent and they are not recognized by the state, so the state should not recognize human-animal marriages, and children have not yet reached an age at which we deem them capable to understand the ramifications of marriage.

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Travis Hedglin's picture
Well, I can hardly speak for
Ilovequestions's picture
Hmm, so if the legal issues
Travis Hedglin's picture
For me, personally? No. I
MCDennis's picture
I am definitely for it
Capt.Bobfm's picture
I am assuming that you are a
Anarkhos's picture
I'm personally against it
MCDennis's picture
You're against it. Why? Why
cmallen's picture
As on who has engaged in many
ex-christian_atheist's picture
I don't have a problem with
Spewer's picture
Atheism is nothing more or
Glenn Boyce's picture
From a rights/liberty
PReynolds's picture
I don't agree with polygamy
cmallen's picture
?? Polygamy is not
FormerAgnostic's picture
If you use the definitions of
Anarkhos's picture
Pitar's picture
I think the thing you're
Dani Helgeson's picture
As long as everything is
Dani Helgeson's picture
mysticrose's picture
Polyamory and polygamy are
boomer47's picture
rtb61's picture
Consider this, why should
Travis Paskiewicz's picture
I personally don't see
Andres Tejeda's picture
Honestly if all persons
Marilia Coutinho's picture
Look, the only reason we
Truett's picture
We humans have a nasty habit
Kyle Broussard's picture
I'm personally Polyamorous. I
Lance Novak's picture
Another situation where live
GarfeildRepublican's picture
I can't see anything
Lepton's picture
Polyamory as a relationship
SBMontero's picture
@Daz: I have no ethical or


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