Daoism is the only internally consistant "religion"

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Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
Daoism is the only internally consistant "religion"

Been reading up on it. If you accept its primary worldview, it is interesting and internally self consistant.

P.S. This is partially a joke thread

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chimp3's picture
Action though non-action is

Action though non-action is internally consistent? Some might call that apathy.

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
well to address that point,

well to address that point, genetic sibling, I make three points

1. Chinese is a different language than a romance language like english. You have to imbibe the language to get the language. Barring that, you can go to people who are fluent in both languages for an appeal to authority
2. a. the dao is simply the dao
b. but the dao is NOT the dao

Nyarlathotep's picture
VPT - "2. a. the dao is

VPT - "2. a. the dao is simply the dao
b. but the dao is NOT the dao"

That internal consistency sure didn't last long did it?

Vincent Paul Tran1's picture
read point 1

read point 1

chimp3's picture
Daoism is the Moebius strip

Daoism is the Moebius strip of religions. You have won the debate. Nothing more internally consistent than a Moebius strip!

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