Could I interview you?

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Bhawkins's picture
Could I interview you?

Hello! Thanks for allowing me to join your site. I’m in the middle of a class on origin and meaning that requires I interview someone of a different belief system. The questions are very simple and designed to help me see the world through the eyes of others better. I am a confessing Christian and sadly realized during this class what a bubble I live in! I work in Christian ministry, have Christian friends, family... you get the idea! I would be humbled and grateful if someone would be willing to talk with me about the four questions I need to research. If not, I understand. Thank you so much for the opportunity to ask!

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Ramo Mpq's picture
Well, hello Bhawkins. If you
Bhawkins's picture
Thank you for your reply. I
Grinseed's picture
Perhaps you should just post
Bhawkins's picture
Ha! Thanks for the suggestion
The_Quieter's picture
Well, atheism isn't a belief
Bhawkins's picture
Maybe worldview is a better
Nyarlathotep's picture
one results of a binary sort
The_Quieter's picture
Not a world view either.
Anonymous's picture
Again, I can't help but think
Bhawkins's picture
Yes and no. Yes, it is an
Anonymous's picture
That's bullshit. You just
Grinseed's picture
Who would Bhawkins ask?
Bhawkins's picture
That’s why I came to you guys
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@ Bhawkins
xenoview's picture
chimp3's picture
bhawkins: Atheism does not
Bhawkins's picture
What would you say your
chimp3's picture
Origin: Read a book on
Old man shouts at clouds's picture
@BhawkinsWhat would you say
Bhawkins's picture
Thank you so much for
LogicFTW's picture
Bhawkins's picture
Thank you for answering in a
xenoview's picture
Origin - We evolved over time
Jack6's picture
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
May I ask, what makes you
TheBlindWatchmaker's picture
Naturalist with an atheistic
Sapporo's picture
Bhawkins: Origin-
The_Quieter's picture
Atheist and agnostic are not
Bhawkins's picture
I don’t want to read a book
chimp3's picture
No soul involved. All of my


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